Sunday 18 May 2014

Potting-up Chillis

Another major milestone in my gardening calendar has been reached: I have potted-up my chilli plants.

Yes, I know I said I was going to grow only 12 chillis, but... My excuse is that the spares are just too good to discard!

First to produce fruit this year is one of my two Turkish Sweet Pepper plants.

This is the other one of the pair - not far behind.

This next one is the one I nicknamed "Redfields Slim Red". No fruits yet, but lots of flowers, so it presumably won't be long.

This is "Nosferatu", grown from seeds I saved from last year. Beautiful foliage!

This is the "Red Habanero" that I over-wintered. It is looking a bit washed-out, so I have re-potted it and brought it out into the fresh air with the youngsters. I expect it will soon perk up.

The potting compost I have used for these is the New Horizon peat-free type, which is supposedly the best peat-free one available. It has come out top in the trials run by "Which?" etc, so I hope it will be OK.

In case you are interested in this, the pots I have used are plastic ones, most of them 10 inches in diameter. A couple are those "8 for 99p" black pots from Morrisons.

The only chillis I have NOT potted-up today are the two Bird's Eye ones that seem to have stopped growing altogether, and the tiny "Turkey Small Red" one, which is growing, but ever so slowly. Actually, I have potted this one up, but only from its Elmlea pot into a proper 6" flowerpot. Hopefully the new compost will give it a boost.


  1. You are reminding me of Granny and tomatoes. She would always say she was going to have 20 tomato plants then end up with 40. It is so hard to throw those pretty little baby plants out.

  2. Looking very nice. Getting things in to their final pots is always satisfying.

  3. Looking good, I'm leaving the chillies up to Mike this year.

  4. I just found your blog and I'm a new follower. I planted pepper plants from seeds, they all germinated and were so healthy, I couldn't get rid of them! I have around 6 varieties of peppers, I probably have about 60 plants. I was planning on making my own chili powder, sauce and salsa. But I just found out I have GERD so I have to go easy on spicy and acidic food, ugh! You have a nice garden, I look forward to reading your posts. Have a great weekend!

    1. Hi Priscilla, Welcome aboard! Sorry to hear you can't eat those chillis... you'll just have to treat them as ornamentals, and photograph them.

  5. We've had variable results with New Horizon. There just doesn't seem to be any compost that is consistently good. I guess the variability comes form the ingredients as green waste can be a multitude of things.

  6. I love chilli flowers, some of the prettiest flowers I've grown were from chillies. What will you do with them all?

  7. Its great you have flowers already. I think I've planted chilis this year, I must have a look.


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