Wednesday 31 August 2016

A welcome return

If you have been wondering why I have been a bit low-profile recently, and posting less often, it's because we have been away for a week, looking after Jane's elderly mother. Being away from my garden is always a difficult thing for me, so I'm sure you can imagine how glad I was to get back to it yesterday!

The weather this past week has been mostly fine and sunny, so the plants have grown a lot. I'll be doing a fair bit of harvesting later today I think. I haven't had much time to write a blogpost yet, so I'll just show some photos.

The mystery Italian cucumber is laden with fruit now:-

And the Cucamelons have done what everyone warned me they would do. After a slow start, they have produced loads of fruit:

Many of the chillis are starting to ripen. This is "Brazilian Starfish".

Most of the tomato plants are laden with ripe and ripening fruit now, like this "Ferline" one.

This is "de Colgar".

Over the next couple of days I will be having a big tomato sauce-making spree. The ones in the fridge look just as good as they were when we went away, so the Stayfresh bags have done a good job. The fruits I left out in trays on the Dining Room table have ripened nicely too, so add these to the ones I picked yesterday evening and I must have at least 10kgs available even if I resist picking more today!

A mixture picked yesterday

We're off to the shops this morning to re-stock the fridge and larder, but after that I'll be harvesting...


  1. I hope your mother in-law is doing well. It must be really hard to leave, this is a really busy time of year in the garden. You're tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers are doing fantastic.

  2. At this time of year, you will definitely be in for a good amount of work after being away for a few days. I'm due for a sauce making session too, either today or tomorrow, and the dehydrator has been going nonstop for the past 3 days.

  3. It seems that your plants haven't missed you too much.

  4. Your plants look like they coped beautifully in your absence.

  5. I'm always amazed by the amount and quality of tomatoes that you get from container grown plants. The one time I tried it I could not keep the plants under control, it must require constant attention on your part.


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