Thursday 12 June 2014

Winter Veg bed completed

Many of you will know that I have committed to trying to extend the harvesting season in my garden by growing some more Autumn / Winter vegetables. This is not to say that I never grow any Winter veg - I do. For instance, for the last two years I have grown some Brussels Sprouts, which have been really worthwhile, but my skills in this area are improving with practice, and I want to do more. Last year, my Brussels Sprouts looked great until the dreaded Cabbage White butterflies arrived. From then onwards it was a constant battle between them and me - and one in which I was not totally successful. This year I have netted my Sprouts almost from the start, so I have "stolen a march" on the butterflies!

As you can see, the Sprouts have got pretty big already.

The two smaller "Tenderstem" Broccoli plants in the middle of the bed had better get a move on, otherwise their light will all be blocked off!

Elsewhere, I have one of my six main raised beds devoted entirely to Winter Veg. In it I now have 7 Cabbages (of 3 types), 16 Leeks ("Toledo"), and 4 Swede Turnips ("Ruby").

These are the Leeks, standing up straight amongst a forest of anti-cat sticks:

Here is Cabbage "Predzvest". The inner leaves are just beginning to curl inwards in preparation for forming the heart:

This is "Caramba":

And this is "Tundra", its Savoy parentage already showing in the crinkly and saw-edged leaves:

The Swedes are not looking too good at present. Their leaves are very pale and not at all glossy. I put this down yet again to poor compost. I expect they are relieved to be out in real soil at last!

I know it will be a long time before I harvest these things, but the very fact that they are there and growing gives me a certain satisfaction, and something to look forward to, even after the Summer veg comes to an end!


  1. Your cabbage family looks great. Last winter was mild and I picked up my kale and brussels sprouts way out until Spring. It is very rewarding to have some fresh green vegetables from the garden even in winter.

  2. Things don't really grow here in the winter. So I go for storage crops. Though I do have to get my fall brassicas started soon. Usually that is mid June and they get planted out in mid July. But of course there is nothing there that takes a lot of time.

  3. Your Brassicas look so stunning, so healthy. Since I saw you covered your Brassica's plot using net (on your old posts), I have been planning to keep my Brassicas plot like yours. This decision may so difficult for me, cause net will make my tiny garden looks so 'full'. I like your idea 'anti-cat sticks'. Thanks for inspiring.

  4. You're all set up there for winter. Your leeks look great, I'm hoping to get mine out in the next week.

  5. It`s all looking splendid and seriously healthy

  6. Nets are essential on our site - what the caterpillars don't get the wood pigeons see of - or that could be the other way round.


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