Monday 20 January 2014

Roses are red, Violets are blue; I love Radicchio, and so should you!

My contribution to Harvest Monday this week is in the salad department.

This year my Radicchio has remained very small, probably because I planted it out too late. It really needs the opportunity to get itself well established before Autumn. However, what it lacks in size is made up for with colour:

Supposedly, Radicchio gets redder as the weather gets colder, and until now I would have agreed with that, but this year we have had very little cold weather and even that has been much less cold than usual, so I don't know why my Radicchio has gone so dark.

The strange wording of my post title is occasioned by this photo. Don't you think this diminutive Radicchio looks like a red rose? 

Here we see the same one after a bit of "artification" has been applied:

On a more practical note, this is where the Radicchio ended up - in a salad, with my indoor-grown Mesclun.

Despite its reputation, I find that Radicchio is not particularly bitter. Certainly the paler inner leaves of the heart have only the slightest hint of bitterness, and even that is in no way unpleasant. It just adds another dimension to your salad - as well as contributing some amazing colour, like this:

Just for the record, here is the Mesclun, moments before being trimmed:

It's amazing what you can get out of one little tray! For us, the best component of the Mesclun was, without a doubt, the Celery. It had an amazing intensity of flavour. I'm definitely going to grow some more of that to use as micro-greens!


  1. I thought valentines day had come early for a moment. I still haven't sown my Mesclun I really must get onto it.

  2. It is photogenic and very rose like. Interesting that you don;t find it bitter as it is that reputed bitterness that puts us off growing it,

  3. It does look very much like a rose. I've never grown radicchio, though I don't grow many salad crops at all as we're not huge salad eaters.

  4. That is a beautiful specimen and radicchio is lovely in an edible landscape. I grew it one spring but gave it all to a Japanese friend who loved bitter flavors - but the strong taste might have been the result of maturing in our early summer heat.

  5. Hmmm I'm not the biggest fan of radicchio, but I don't hate hit. I do love the color it lends when used with a light touch.

  6. Beautiful harvest Mark! I have to admit I've never tried radicchio, maybe I need to make some space for it in my winter cold frames. I love the indoor grown salad. I think I will try planting some in a sunny window this week!!

  7. The radicchio leaves sure do add a nice bit of bright colour to salads. I've been trying to grow radicchio but I wouldn't say I'd had much success. The salad mix in the long container looks very healthy and would come in handy this time of year.

  8. It's interesting that you don't find it bitter. Whilst I like it I definitely find it bitter, although I do find it varies from plant to plant quite a lot, or perhaps it is climate that affects its bitterness levels?

  9. That's so pretty! It does look like a rose. I do like the taste as well, in moderation. Have you ever grilled it? We have done that and it's SO good. We just grill it directly on the rack and it gets all smokey and good. And we top it with balsamic vinegar. Mmmm..... :-)

  10. Very poetic're obviously getting ready for Valentine's Day ;D
    I like to add a little radicchio to my salads for the colour and the different flavour from green leaves.
    Photos are great as usual.


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