Friday 25 January 2013

Altered images

Regular readers will know that from time to time I like to have a bit of a dabble with some "altered images". Well, this post is the result of one of those occasions...

This is an image of Dogwood "Midwinter Fire"

But it started life like this:

The red colour of its branches is offset nicely by the white snow, but the temptation to take those colours up a bit by adjusting the temperature and saturation was just too strong!

Here is a fairly ordinary photo of a bell cloche covered in snow

A little bit of tinkering around with Picmonkey produced this spooky result:

I must say at this stage that my altered images are not usually deliberately planned - I just experiment and see what comes out. If I make something I like, I save it. Otherwise the photo remains in its unchanged form.

This humble half-brick covered in snow is being used as a weight to keep in place a grille over the top of some plant pots (a fox-deterrent).

I have transformed it into a Black Hole!

This image of a small Broccoli plant draped in a snowy shawl...

...becomes a time-weathered skull:

But most bizarre of all, whilst smartening up this photo of Cavolo Nero

I saw a giant spotty caterpillar! :)

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go and take some more of my pills...


  1. Well practice makes perfect keep at it

  2. Wow that cloche looks like something out of Alien lol :-)

  3. it's all a bit currrrrazzzy!

  4. It's funny what images these conjure up. The first one looks to me like fibres under a microscope, and the broccoli in snow doesn't look like a skull to me, but a chocolate pudding covered in ice cream.

  5. The bell cloche looks like an alien spaceship! :)

  6. Oh dear Mark - shall I call the doctor!

  7. Ha Ha. Love the pics. Is this what you do when it's too miserable to go out in the garden !!

  8. I laughed at your last comment!


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