Tuesday 20 September 2011


Looking through my photos recently I noticed a few that in my view epitomise or represent some of my closest blogging friends, in the style of an "avatar". I hope no-one is going to be offended by this post - either because they don't like the photo I have chosen to represent them, or because they are not included in the list - but I have done this in the spirit of good humour, and I hope readers will see it in the same way...

Who's this, do you think? (Easy)

Hazel Dene - is she really Nuts?

David Offutt (The Gastronomic Gardener) - King of the giant lilies

This is Fer from "My Little Garden in Japan" - may his grapevines one day grow as big as this!

This is Takaeko from Small Vege Garden in a Suburb - this would keep his kids busy for a while!

This is Veggiegobbler, an enthusiast of the mosaic art-form if I'm not mistaken

This is Ali, from Mud Pie. Hope the Mulberry re-kindles some of those childhood memories for you, Ali

This is Kelli Boyles - she of the Garden Diary. I know that Phlox is her favourite flower...

This is Sara, from Hilwards - those sheep symbolising the windswept Welsh hillsides dotted with sheep...

This is Kalipso, from Busy Bee

This is Roy Brett, a long-time friend (not a blogger, alas), who is fanatical about post-boxes
And then there's me...

Are those Parsnip seeds properly lined-up???
 I expect you thought I would choose a chilli photo to represent myself, didn't you? That would be just vanity - in truth I don't grow a lot of chillis (I only have 6 plants this year) - but I think many of my readers will know that I like to keep things as neat as possible in my garden, and I thought the row of carefully-positioned Parsnip seeds would sum me up perfectly!

P.S. Links to most of the blogs mentioned are in my sidebar.


  1. Ooo Mark this is the most fabulous post ever. What a marvelous imagination you have - and how good looking am I! I'm very chuffed with my photo and that I was thought of :)

    If I have one criticism though, it's that your photo really needs one of those string tools you use to guide your line and keep it straight. And a ruler and a level measuring stick wouldn't look out of place either :D

  2. Thank you, Mark, a lovely idea, and I love those sheep. They look very well behaved and not so bedraggled as our neighbours.
    Hope you had a lovely holiday.

  3. Quite clever (you have a real creative side). I thought the last photo was you before i read your explanation. Also thought of myself when I saw the flower photo of phlox, so good call. Kelli

  4. Oh yes I thought this was a lovely idea too. But I don't think those seeds are straight enough.

  5. What a wonderful way to compliment your blogger friends, made me smile.


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