Thursday 17 April 2014

Not veg at all

Here are some photos of plants in my garden that are not veg - yes, there are quite a few of them these days...

Aquilegia nicknamed "David Ford"

Dogwood - Cornus Alba "Aureum"

Cotinus "Royal Purple"

Apple "Scrumptious"

Apple "Scrumptious"

Pear "Conference"


Daffodil "Sundisc"

By the way, I have finally made up my mind what to do with my second batch of Sweet Peas. The ones I planted in pots are not looking very good, so I have put some of the second batch in with them to "hedge my bets". I think maybe that first batch may have got too cold, because they have hardly grown at all since being transplanted, and some of the leaves have gone yellow. The second batch, being under cover in a mini greenhouse has grown a lot, and is generally looking much more enthusiastic:

The other half of this second batch has gone in a really strange place - amongst the Raspberries! I couldn't think of anywhere else for them to go, and they desperately needed to be planted somewhere. I'm hoping that as the Sweet Peas grow they will be supported by the Raspberry canes.

Well, it might work. If it does, I will have a rather more picturesque row of Raspberries than normal!


  1. It will be interesting to see if the sweet peas in the raspberries work.

  2. That's a lovely coloured aquilegia. None of mine are blooming yet.

  3. Nce to see color in the garden!

  4. My aquilegia's are just about flowering now, always a pleasant site to see.

  5. No aquilegia out yet, no apple blossom yet, no blueberry flowers yet and my sweet peas are pathetic at the side of yours. What's going on!

  6. Were the sweet peas pot bound as if they are planting out can give them a check. We've converted you to a veg AND flower man haven't we?

  7. nice flowers but I prefer your vegs!

  8. I love the idea of using the raspberries as sweet-pea canes! Pretty aquilegia, and your dogwoods and blueberries are ahead of ours, you must be pretty sheltered. :)


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