Monday 10 June 2013

Harvest Monday - Turnip "Atlantic" etc...

This week I harvested the last of my current batch of Radishes (the "Cherry Belle" ones):

These had been growing as a catch-crop between the rows in my Roots bed. It's just as well they have finished now, because the other plants are beginning to get quite big.

At the same time as harvesting the Radishes, I pulled up the first of my Turnips:

My row of Turnips is a mixture of 3 varieties, but I'm fairly sure these are "Atlantic". It is a newish variety similar to the well-established "Purple Top Milan", but it has a flatter shape.

Only two so far, but they are real beauties, and there are plenty more coming on.

On the seed-packet they are described as being sweet-tasting, which was definitely true. They had a very strong taste too - something you seldom get with Turnips that have been out of the ground for a long time. We ate them glazed in butter, along with some young carrots, as an accompaniment to an Asparagus quiche (yes, using home-grown Asparagus).

Lots of herbs were harvested this week too. For instance, on Friday, Jane made a lovely salad with Melon, Cucumber, Tomatoes, Mint and Chives. Talking of salad, here's another batch I picked this week. We ate it with steak and jacket potatoes.

I also got another batch of Rhubarb yesterday. This is in the freezer now, awaiting the right moment to use it.

This post was originally intended to be just about Turnips, but since I have ended up writing about several other harvests as well, I think I had better enter this post to Harvest Monday, hosted as ever by Daphne over at Daphne's Dandelions.


  1. Those turnips are real beauties. It's not a vegetable I'm very familiar with, I've had them a couple of times but I wasn't particularly fond of them. Perhaps I should give them another go and cook them differently.

  2. Used to grow purple topped Milans but stopped - in part because I over did it and familiarity bred boredom and in part because I got fed up with pulling up what looked like beautiful vegetables only to find they had been hollowed out by slugs and only their shapely skin remained.

  3. Those are really pretty looking turnips. I've never grown a purple topped variety.

  4. Beautiful salad greens combo.

  5. Looks great! I have never tried a turnip. I have always been afraid they would taste like radishes which I don't like. I should sometime. Your turnips look lovely, as do the rest of your harvest goodies!

  6. Those turnips look like they belong in a still life painting, they're perfectly beautiful!

  7. Beauties! They're on my list of things to plant NOW! You've motivated me to get it done, seeing those. Ta!

  8. Oooh as for rhubarb - made a mess with it this week, of the Eton variety. Stewed rhubarb with a bit of sugar. Whipped cream lightly with a bit of icing sugar and ground ginger then mixed 50/50 with greek yoghurt as my family tend to find cream a bit sickly if in large quantities. Mashed up meringues and mixed them in. It got gobbled in seconds. Think I almost prefer it to the soft fruit version as the sharp rhubarb is great against the sugary meringues. Yum.

  9. Your turnips looks fab, I'm hoping to harvest turnips soon.


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