Wednesday, 25 November 2015

The PSB thermometer

I often joke about this, but I really can judge the temperature outside from my armchair. Looking out through the glass doors I can see the Purple Sprouting Broccoli plants, and the position of their leaves gives me a good indication of the temperature.

If they are upright like this, the air is relatively warm:

Whereas if they are drooping downwards like this, it is cold - below freezing temperature!

When the leaves droop, the flower-head remains upright and is therefore much more visible.

This one is "Rudolph", and you can see that it won't be long before I can pick some spears from it.

The central flower-head of "Red Spear" has yet to form, but the side-shoots are getting bigger very rapidly.

OK, here's a test for you: what temperature is it in the photo below?

And here?

You probably guessed, we got our first frost of the year at the weekend. I would say it's about a month later than usual.


  1. We had our first frost at the weekend too. Time to pull some parsnips, if only I had some to pull. The psb is looking good.

  2. Jo's comment has just reminded me to go and take a look at the parsnips. Now that you have invented the PSB thermometer, is there any chance of getting the celeriac to pick the winning lottery numbers?

    1. No chance! I don't think my Celeriac even knows what time of year it is - or perhaps it's just that it hasn't grown up yet...

  3. Gosh your PSB is magnificent, mine is still very small & yes they do make ideal weather indicators!

  4. That's so interesting and quite humorous! It looks like you will be getting a lot of side shoots from Red Spear - I enjoyed the side shoots from my regular broccoli plants even more than the main heads as they were always surprising me (in a good way!)

  5. Ha ha! I love your PSB thermometer!
    I pulled up my PSBs by mistake, not realising it would take so much longer to come to flower... it was lolling around, like a lanky teenager, untidy and all over the other veg, and didn't look like it would come to anything. Just goes to show that 'teenagers' do... eventually!

    1. Yes, and they need a bit of Mothering at frequent intervals!

  6. Have we got a second Mr Foggitt.

  7. Foggitt was a very apt name for an amateur weather-forecaster! I note that he was a Yorkshireman.


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