Monday 13 April 2015

Harvest Monday - 13 April 2015

Are you getting bored of seeing photos of Purple Sprouting Broccoli? If so, I'm sorry about that, but PSB is all that my garden is producing at present, so it's PSB or nothing!

On Friday I picked another large batch of it. I think it was about 20 spears. Certainly it was enough for two 2-person servings.

I have been really pleased with the PSB this year, most particularly because it has matured at a steady rate, with the different varieties producing their crop at different times rather than all coming on at once. We have kept pace with it, and also had enough to give some of it away.

Here is a dish that I cooked at the weekend, making use of some of the PSB.

It is pasta in a creamy blue cheese (Roquefort) sauce, with PSB, toasted walnuts and crispy bacon.

Here is the PSB just before being steamed:

My dish was flavoured with a little home-grown Wild Garlic. Just a little, I hasten to add, because it is VERY strong!

I also garnished the dish with a sprinkling of home-grown Chives - so there you go, I did harvest something other than PSB!

This is my contribution to Harvest Monday, hosted as ever by Daphne's Dandelions.


  1. I'm not getting bored with seeing it and I certainly would never get bored of eating it, you've done so well with it this year.

  2. How could one get bored of something so pretty. One of those baskets reminds me more of lilac blossoms more than PSB.

  3. No, never bored of PSB, you can never have too much. I am jealous though as I have none of my own.

  4. That pasta dish looks amazing, especially with the PSB as the crowning jewel. And love the photo of the PSB in the basket - just beautiful.

  5. If it tastes as good as it looks it must be fantastic.

  6. It sounds like you wouldn't have much to harvest at this time of year were it not for the PSB. And no, I don't get tired of seeing it! What a workhorse it is for you.

  7. But they are fantastic pictures Mark. Now our cold winds have subsided we have been eating our purple sprouting for a couple of weeks now.
    I shall be posting about my sprouting sprouts next month! I think I enjoy them as much as the broccoli. My photos featuring cruelty to sprouts are quite shocking!

  8. Looks like this has been a banner year for your PSB!

  9. Your PSB has been fantastic! and I'd be pleased with the chives and wild garlic too, both things I'd like to grow (chives I've grown before but been decimated by aphids)


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