Tuesday 25 February 2014

Spring flowers

At last the monotonous Winter greys are being replaced by colourful Spring yellows, reds and blues!

I have some of the "Soleil d'Or" daffodils from Scilly in a pot outside the front of the house, in an attempt to screen a section of rather unsightly pipework:

The husk at the tip of each stem bursts open to release a clutch of slim, delicate flowerheads:

They seem to be in a range of colours. I had expected them to have orange centres, like the one in the photo above, but some of them are plain yellow - perhaps a slightly darker shade than the petals.

Elsewhere I have a number of pots containing "Tete a Tete" daffodils:

These are a favourite of mine. Being so diminutive, they seem very much in keeping with the small dimensions of my garden. They are also less prone to wind damage than their taller brethren.

I also have a very weathered long trough made of reconstituted stone, in which last year I planted some Primrose seedlings. Despite having been ravaged by the weather and by the slugs, they are flowering now:

I hope they will fill out a bit as the weather improves. Lots of the leaves are very ragged, so I need some new growth to hide them!

I have already shown off some of my Crocuses, but there are more to come still:

And then there are the Iris Reticulata...  I have several different ones now, which is nice because they flower at slightly different times.


  1. A lovely display, my daffs only have buds at the moment.

  2. Our bulbs are springing open now too Mark.We must invest in more reticulata. I was put off by some in the past that have't reflowered but your varieties seem to. Do you know which variety they are?

    1. Sue, I ought to know since I planted most of them, but the truth is I have forgotten! I know that the very pale one is "Katharine Hodgkin", and the purple one with white tips is "Pauline", but the others...who knows?

  3. The way the top one opens up it look almost like an orchid.

  4. I've only got iris's in bloom at the moment, all the other bulbs are lagging behind. Nice to see your daffodils from Scilly in flower, they must be bringing back lovely memories for you.

  5. Love the Soleil d'Or- do they have a fragrance?

    1. Hmmm, I haven't checked! I will, when I'm at home during daylight.

  6. Spring must be there, Mark! I love the beautiful flowers, especially the dutch iris. Just had a peek through your book and it is truly lovely.

  7. Here in Kentucky it is still freezing cold...I was really amazed at your spring flowers (beautiful).

  8. Very colourful! Spring has sprung...


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