Friday, 1 April 2011

Buds, Buds, Buds

All around the garden, plants are bursting into action, and buds are appearing in profusion.

This one is on the golden Dogwood. I think the flower bud surrounded by leaves makes it look almost like an orchid, or perhaps an iris.

These are Blueberry flowers. I want LOTS of those (Lara's favourite fruit).

This is the Dogwood "Midwinter Fire". The stems are very slim, and it is difficult to capture the overall effect of the plant's colour without going in close.

This one is another bud on the golden Dogwood.

This is the Cotinus "Royal Purple".

This is the "Victoria" plum - a bit behind the apple tree and the pear tree in terms of development. Last year it produced the grand total of TWO fruits, but this year it will do better if the amount of TLC I have lavished on it counts for anything!

This is the apple-tree "Scrumptious", with the flower-buds just beginning to show some colour now.

This is a close-up view of the previous picture. Check out the tiny spider lurking in amongst the petals! I didn't see it myself until I was editing the photos.

I hope the fruit trees have not blossomed too soon. It is early days still and we could still have severe frosts. Frost at blossom time can mean no fruit that year... :-(


  1. Nice photos. Its funny how gardeners like to look at & study various plant photos. There's people who stand/sit for hours and take photos of planes. I definitely prefer the plants!

  2. I've been round snapping buds too Mark.
    Our plums and gages are in full blossom at the moment

  3. Lots of promise for Spring!

  4. You've got some nice looking buds there Mark :)

  5. I think I'd die of heart failure worrying about a frost Mark, all your lovely, lovely growth! I hope you get lots of plums, I can't remember having seen a plum tree - do they have pretty blossoms?

  6. Thanks for taking a close view. Too often people rush about and never really look.

  7. I was wondering what kind of camera you are using. I can never seem to get really sharp close-up photos (too lazy for a tripod). Thanks!

  8. The dogwood does look very iris like. I lost most of my blueberries to frost last year so I'm trying to make sure that I watch for the frosts this year, two years without blueberries is just too much.

  9. This is for Oregon Coast Gardener: my camera is an Olympus E450 DSLR, and the lens I use for most of my photos is the standard 14 - 42mm one. I think it does a great job for me, though I am planning to buy a dedicated Macro lens at some stage. I do have a tripod, which I frequently, but not always, use. I am not much of a photography expert, and I mostly use the pre-determined settings, of which there is a large range on the E450.


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