Friday 23 March 2012


Whilst I was quite happy to take on the pruning of the Dogwoods the other day, the big trees also needed pruning, so recognising that his was a job beyond my capabilities, I called in the experts. Trusting to luck I chose a firm out of the Yellow Pages (Trade telephone directory). Not always the best way to arrive at a successful conclusion I admit, but on this occasion I have been very pleased with the work done by D and D Miles Landscaping, based in nearby Farnborough. They have been very efficient, reliable, tidy, and good value for money. I have had them trim the Leylandii hedge that separates my drive from the road, and then prune both the Crab Apple and the Bronze Maple trees. All three tasks were done to my complete satisfaction - which is pretty close to a miracle when you consider the shoddy service you get from some tradesmen!

How about this for precision hedge-trimming? Regular readers will understand why I was so pleased!

Here's the Crab Apple - much neater than before, and with lots of the smaller branches removed to let in some light and air. It will flower next month, so I wanted this pruning done well before then.

And finally, the Bronze Maple. I have had it reduced in size by about 25%, and several of the lower branches removed, so that it doesn't shade the veg patch so much.

The low morning sun will now shine underneath the branches of this tree. The trouble is, I can now see how straggly the next-door Cherry and Philadelphus trees look. They're next...


  1. Well, we sometimes have to rely on experts like the landscape gardeners you've chosen. They have tons of knowledge and techniques.

    One of my neighbors pruned their pine trees using only "his sense of beauty" but the appearance after pruning was not beautiful.

  2. They have done a good job Mark no wonder you are pleased. We had our willow professionally pollarded a couple of years ago and also had a eucalyptus removed - it's an expensive getting the 'men' in but some jobs are just too big to tackle yourself.

  3. Our crab apples are already in leaf bud Mark - can't believe we are in front on you southerners!

    The extra light will be welcome I'm sure

  4. So nice when a job is well done. The garden-and you both-will reap the benefits!

  5. Looks like a job well done. Wish I could get an expert to show me how to prune my fruit trees & bushes. Can never get my head round how to do it correctly.

  6. we don't really have any trees in the garden to prune but I do have a gooseberry bush that needs a good trim!... plus we have a stupid box hedge at the back that I want to cut down by half but not sure I have the tools!

  7. I would so love to be able to hire someone to "prune" trees here but when you live with absolutely HUGE pines, oaks, and sweet gums, you are kind of out of luck. As for trimming the bushes in the front. I gave up when I found a snake in one several years ago. My idea last year was that we cut them all down but Phil won't let me :(

  8. How absolutely FUN!! Isn't it the neatest thing to see the yard transform. Usually things happen in little bite sized pieces. Then you get the tree people in and WOW. I love it.

  9. Looks great. I have to prune back my out of control Rhododendron this year. It is gonna look like a Charlie Brown tree when I get done, lol!

  10. The hedge and trees look great! Better atill it was a good value.

  11. Well done. All I heve been doing these days in my garden is pruning too.

  12. They've done a good job! Nice and tidy.


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