Tuesday 6 March 2012


The title of this post means "Blue and Yellow" in the German language. It is also the name of a German supermarket chain in which we used to shop many years ago when we lived in Germany for a short while. I wonder if it still exists today? When I Googled the term, this hardware business popped up, so maybe not. The name came back to me when I was editing some photos I took recently of Irises and Daffodils.

I think the colour combination of these two flowers side-by-side is very appealing. Unfortunately the Irises are already on their last legs and the daffs are only just opening up, so they don't overlap much.

These flowers are at the base of our Crab apple tree, in the circular flower-bed I had made for me this time last year.

There are not as many bulbs in there as I would like, simply because the apple tree roots won't permit it, but at least it looks tidy. More daffs are opening every day, so hopefully it will look more impressive in a few days' time.


  1. Blue and yellow are ok - but when we get to purple and orange, that's when the big smiles come out.

  2. It has been many years since I studied German but I knew instantly what your title meant. Strange how some things stick with one isn't it?

    Your flowers are pretty, it's a shame that they didn't coincide for longer. My miniature daffodils are just about to flower, I am excited...

  3. I love your flower bed around your apple tree. I want one of those!

  4. Lovely fresh colours and looking so good in the bright sunlight...

  5. Blue and yellow is my all time fav combination! Beautiful, Mark!

  6. Beautiful flower photos1 I love Dutch Iris.

  7. They are beautiful Mark.

  8. Do your mini irises flower each year Mark as I heard they often only flower once. Is this one a particular variety?

  9. They look lovely together, and I think they're the perfect things to grow in the little round bed.

  10. Sue; My Irises (or at least most of them) seem to flower each year. I know this because I had four different ones flowering this year, and I only planted one type of bulb last Autumn.

  11. That's a cheerful display around the apple tree... still waiting for spring here

  12. Lovely display of bulb flowers; I am still waiting for my to come.


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