Tuesday 13 December 2011

Decanting the Sloe Gin

I have decanted my Sloe Gin...

I used a paper coffee-filter in a kitchen funnel to strain the Gin and remove the tiny particles of fruit.

You could use a piece of muslin or a clean J-cloth to do this, but the coffee-filter does a better job - as long as you have the patience. The Gin passes through it very slowly - mine took a couple of hours.

End result: a lovely deep-coloured, tangy brew. Very much the colour of Burgundy Wine.

After filtering the Gin, it's best to taste it (seriously!), and adjust the sweetness to suit.

If it is too dry you can add more sugar at this stage. I didn't add any to mine, because we like it quite dry.

Best served with some salty nibbles, like pretzels or smoked almonds.

Do you think I'll I be able to resist starting it until Christmas week???

[P.S. If you want to see my post about making the Sloe Gin, click this link]


  1. Looks great! I could use a glass of that right now ;)

  2. look at your beautiful decanter!... the sloe gin looks marvellous, I love the recipe too... I am surrounded by sloe bushes but too lazy to go scrumping... next year eh?

  3. Luscious! I didn't know this was named after the berry it's made from... Looks simple enough; have you tried this with other fruit?

  4. Leduesorelle; Yes, I have in the past made Redcurrant and Blackcurrant Gins, using the same technique. They were perhaps a bit too sweet for my liking. I enjoy the tart, almost astringent feel / taste of the Sloes.

  5. It comes out a gorgeous colour, and it looks lovely in your decanter.

  6. Pretty color! I hope it tastes as good as it looks!

  7. That looks wonderful, but a little too handy in the decanter me thinks?
    You're going to need some willpower to resist that until Christmas! ;D

  8. Here give a nice photographs. At the current situation people are desire to take different flavor of sloe gin drink.

    sloe gin


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