Monday 8 October 2012


Rain has been a more prominent feature of our weather-pattern than normal here in the UK. A few months ago were told that we were experiencing the worst drought for ages and that it would have to rain non-stop for months before the water restrictions and hosepipe-bans imposed in March could be lifted. Guess what? It has rained non-stop for months. Well, it seems like it anyway.

OK, since the water reserves in our undergroung aquifers are probably sufficiently topped-up now to keep us all supplied for quite a while, could we please have some nice sunny "classic" Autumn weather now?

Meanwhile, I'm taking photos of stuff with raindrops on it...

Cotinus "Royal Purple"



The Asparagus fern retains rain for a long time after it has fallen, each tiny spike of foliage holding on to its own tiny drop of moisture, making the plants shimmer with light as if covered in millions of little sequins:

There aren't many seeds on the Asparagus this year, probably because there were fewer bees about, and the flowers didn't get pollinated. Do you remember that earlier in the year I tried to germinate some Asparagus seeds? Well, the experiment was a total failure (dare I say "washout"?). None of the seeds germinated.

The Blueberry plants that I pruned so severely last month have produced a lot of new growth, which looks fresh and delicate in the rain.

Blueberry leaves

My container of Spring Onions ("White Lisbon Winter Hardy") is certainly well-irrigated:

Spring Onions
The raindrops on the onions look almost like bubbles:

Spring Onion
My Olive tree is probably wishing it were somewhere in the Mediterranean area right now...


And the chillis? Who knows.

Drip; drip; drip.  Today I made some calls to people who fit / maintain / repair guttering on domestic properties. Voice mail. All of them. I expect they are too busy to give me a quote!


  1. I was photographing raindrops too but mine weren't as effective as yours - I wasn't impressed with them. No doubt I'll have another chance!

  2. Oooh, you've just reminded me that I need to tell Hubby about a leaking gutter. I wonder what month the hosepipe ban will come in to effect next year.

  3. Autumn has come. The weathaer is very capricious. No matter. We can't change it anyway. Good pictures you've shot! My Number 1 ist the second photo of the spring omions. Number 2 is the second of asparagus. Go on! I'm following your site almost daily.

    With best regards from Bavaria

  4. Rain and water look great on plants in the garden, especially early morning. I think my guttering needs looked at as well!

  5. In a way I'm glad when it rains as it means I have to get on with indoor work that I keep putting off when the sun is shining. Guess where I'd rather be.

  6. Raining here in the southern United States, too, and turning colder.
    Love the raindrop photos!
    Have a great day!
    Lea's Menagerie

  7. There was a guy from the UK in the grocery store in front of me tonight. I am sure he thought me and the cashier were both idiots. Her trying to get him to talk more and me slipping up close to hear him better. We then talked like school girls after he was gone, lol. Just gotta love an accent.

  8. Love the photos! We just had 2 days of nonstop rain; not much; but let me tell you --- about 3-4 days after the rain left; it was as if it never happened; The garden was ready for more water.

  9. So beautiful. It's been quite sunny here in Lincs recently but heavy dew every morning which always looks stunning.

  10. I like sitting in the greenhouse when it rains.

  11. How fortunate to have a lot of ran, still too dry here....


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