Thursday 4 October 2012

An Autumn morning...

Another collection of Autumn-themed photos for you, taken early in the morning.

The patio

End-of-season Cucumber

Spider's web on Bay tree

Light on Runner Bean leaves

Asparagus fern covered with dew-drops

"Butterbush" squash

Blueberry leaves

Dogwood - Cornus Alba "Aureum"

I do love the Autumn light! Over the last week we have had some classic UK Autumn weather - one minute it has been bright sunshine and blue sky, and the next it has been gusty winds and heavy rain. The plants seem to love it, because it is not yet very cold, and they are getting a good mix of light and moisture.


  1. The Summer here has been too hot for gardening,I am so looking foward to cooler weather.

  2. Hurray for autumn - for the wind and the leaves and the light - and for your lovely spider's web picture.

  3. Wonderful scenery. I like it.

  4. Lovely lovely light.

  5. The light in the photos is lovely Mark - maybe I should get up earlier!

  6. The light is lovely when it's early morning.

  7. Nice set of photos Mark up to your usual high standard shame digital camera sensors are not able to capture highlights in the same way film used to do (or still does if you remain faithful to an antiquated system)

  8. What a perfect little spider's web. I've noticed lots of little webs in the garden lately. Your butternut squash looks good; I have a plant growing but no squash.

  9. Love that first shot, and the spider web.

  10. You have captured the light beautifully.

  11. Perfectly captured early morning light Mark,
    Certainly a special time of day for me ;D

  12. Beautiful photos Mark-I especially love the one of the spider’ web-stunning!


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