Friday 6 January 2012


Moving away from photo-editing today.... back onto the Foodie theme.

One of the special treats we had at Christmas-time was Panettone. (Although I say "we", I actually mean "I" because Jane has to avoid things like this). Panettone is an Italian confection - a very light sort of cake / bread made with sultanas and candied orange peel. Although it's by no means a traditional English food, it's just one of things that I associate with Christmas these days.

Ours (mine) was only a small one, weighing a mere 100g but you can sometimes find ones as big as 1kg.  You can buy them in most supermarkets at Christmas-time, but most reliably in places with a continental bias, like LIDL (which is where ours came from).

My favourite way to eat Panettone is dipped in flavoured oil. A couple of years ago we managed to get some vanilla-flavoured olive oil, which was absolutely perfect with the Panettone, but this year we haven't been able to find any, so I have used our lemon-flavoured Rapeseed oil instead. The Rapeseed oil has an amazing colour - a really bright (lemony!) yellow. It's that Cotswold Gold oil that we bought at Masterchef Live.

What I do is cut the Panettone into fingers, making them more convenient for dunking.

This is really delicious served as a light dessert after a heavy meal.

Give it a try: I think you'll like it.

Here's another thought: why is Vin Santo so expensive in England? I'd fancy some of that with my Panettone, if I could afford it!


  1. I never cared much for it, but like Pandoro better. My brother mentioned that they use it for french toast if it's a little dry and we tried that this year. Very yummy!

  2. I've never tried panettone, I feel like I'm missing out on something now.

  3. Looks so yummy!
    I've never heard of vanilla-flavored olive oil.
    Is it sweet or does it smell like vanilla?

  4. Takaeko; Yes, and Yes! It is sweet, and it does smell (and taste) of vanilla. Sounds odd, but it's very nice.

  5. Humm, ok, I'll be the one to say it. The sound of cake made with orange peel (candied?)sounds bad enough but then dipped in oil sounds disgusting, lol. However, if you said it was good I would try it. The vanilla flavored oil doesn't sound too bad put with cake. I have never heard of this type of cake, however, I can't say that I ever peruse the cake section in the store here either so I guess it is possible that it could be bought here.

  6. Haven't you had a go at making your own yet then?

  7. Becky: There used to be a good advert for Guiness (beer) - "I don't like it because I haven't tried it." I know these things all sound odd, but you never know until you have given it a go! Some things are definitely an acquired taste. For instance there was a time when I didn't like olives, and blue cheese, and celeriac, and, and, and...

  8. Sue; I haven't yet made vanilla olive oil, but I might just try... it ought to be easy.

  9. I have always found Panetonne very dry - so maybe this is the way to go.

  10. I use a local Rapeseed oil - Farringtons - made just up the road, far better for us than olive oil too. I never have got around to trying Pannetone, may be one day...

  11. This is a great idea to counteract the dryish I tend to associate with Panetonne. Yum.

  12. I think I saw this in our local supermarket that sells many Italian item. Maybe I should try buying a box and enjoy it.

  13. I am married to an Italian, and must say I regret the day I EVER tasted a I wait eagerly for Easter and Christmas when the shops bring out the HUGE ones....I just cut it in the plastic, my favourite way to eat a slice is wandering around the, and sitting watching a good movie, oh and maybe reading, actually..........I just love to eat it any old way....

  14. Now that sounds interesting Mark and if you crack making some of your own vanilla oil then do post the recipe! I’m with you on the lemon oil from Cotswold Gold-wonderful stuff. It’s so good to support a British company making a quality product and their truffle oil is also divine! So I have the lemon oil-just need to find a Panettone...

  15. I tried Guinness beer just once. Absolutely awful stuff! lol. At one time I didn't like olives, and absolutely hated onions but now I can eat them just fine. I'm afraid it is just that my taste buds aren't nearly as good as they used to be.
    Anyway, like I said, I would try it if you said it was good. I don't mind trying things. I understand that a lot of things seem like an unlikely combination but still turn out to be good.
    I am really enjoying learning about things that you eat that are 'normal' to you but I have never heard of.

  16. My sister always buys Pannetone at Christmas time as she is not fond of traditional Christmas cake, but we have never tried it with oil, not even sure we can get such things here, but I'm definitely going look. Tell Jane it's OK to cheat sometimes:)

  17. Interesting to dip cake in sweet oil... Would not have thought of that! I love Pannetone with drizzled with any good sweet cordial.

  18. Panettone makes the most wonderful bread and butter pudding... totally divine, I urge you to give it a go... we have a local rapeseed oil manufacturer and I love the stuff, nice to see it used so wonderfully like this x


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