Sunday 6 February 2011


You remember the Dorset Cereals Little Blogs Award scheme, in which I asked you to vote for me?


  1. Sorry you didn't win the award Mark but there's always next time!

  2. I am sorry you didn't won. But I am sure you did got many votes on your behalf.
    Also thank you very much for the award! I feel truly honored

  3. I like your choices, though there was one I didn't know-will have to check the third one out. I happen to put your blog first on my list, if you posted it, no matte what it is called, I read it.

  4. I hope you did come in happy you awarded "fer" your award...I have a small patio to grow things on and I learn a lot from her. I'll have to visit your other recipients!

    I'm one of the millions of people who accepted the "Stylish Blogger Award"...and while I understand it was not (by any means) a "real" award, the two people who gave it to me were trying to honor me and the other people they gave it to...and I accepted it in that light.

  5. Ooo I am sitting here drinking my morning cup of tea and the chuffedness is just emanating from me! Thank you so much Mark :)

    Just like everyone out there I put a lot of thought and work into my blog and it just makes me so happy to have a few little compliments from time to time... or a big fat award!

    I am going to strut around for the rest of the day, in your face people of the universe, I got an award :p

  6. I am sorry you did not win. Next time.
    I am already following 3 out of 4 blogs you have awarded, and now I'm going to check also the 4th one. All of them would be my choice for an award too!

  7. I enjoyed visiting David O., Hazel D., and Ali...interesting blogs! I'm now "following" thanks for sharing their sites.

  8. Hey folks, if nothing else, my Award has put some of you in touch with some new bloggers, hasn't it?? There are plenty of interesting blogs out there, but they are usually immeresed in an even greater mass of dross and rubbish, so we owe it to each other to pass the word round when we find something good.

  9. Theanne, I didn't mean to be derogatory about the Sylish Blogger Award. It's just that it is a different things altogether from my award.

  10. I came upon a set of 5 rather smart mini red chilli fridge magnets while browsing online today, that immediately made me think of you :-)


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