Saturday 29 December 2012

Inspirational harvests

This is the time of year when many of us gardeners give some serious thought to what they will grow in the following year, prior to ordering their seeds. I know that lots of people (like me) spend many hours poring over the seed catalogues, weighing up the pros and cons of the myriads of seeds on offer, trying to envisage what they can squeeze in to the space available.

Today I'm offering you a collection of photos which may provide you with some inspiration. They are all collections in their own right - photos of harvests that include more than one fruit or veg. (NB: Not all these photos are from this year.)

You probably guessed this, but all those photos are of produce grown in my own garden, so hopefully ample demonstration of the fact that you don't need a huge space to grow nice veg - just some forethought and planning!

Now, where did I get to? Only to about page 3 or 4 of that seed catalogue...


  1. I'll have to start arranging out harvests more photogenically

  2. Me too! Very nice photos indeed. Your carrots look like a nice variety.

  3. beautiful photos! I may try sweet potatoes, and grow tomatillos again this year, and hopefully carrots :-)

  4. Mark, all these photos are awe-inspiring! The colors and variety are stunning; not only would I love to eat them, but I would love to paint paintings of them. You arrange them so beautifully.

  5. Is there such a thing as vegetable porn? Very beautiful.

  6. These are certainly inspirational to me as a new allotment holder! And particularly at this time of year when planning ahead. Lovely!

  7. these are beautiful, colourful pictures! i need to document my harvest better. i'm very inspired!

  8. These are really amazing photos. And to think that you grew all these veggies in your garden makes them even more amazing and precious.

    I'm more or less new to the "self growing" world, apart from some cherry tomatoes, salads (plot) and herbs(pots).
    We have bought a house this year with quite some land. This week end my husband and I, helped by our son, um, daughter was nowhere to be seen...., started preparing a plot so that I can plant coming spring.
    I'm sore all over today :), after having dug up grass and lots of roots from trees nearby, trees that we had taken down this autumn.
    We still have to prepare some more, but most of the hard work was done this week end.

    I will go for salads and cherry tomatoes again, but for the rest will definitely find my inspiration with you. Apart from raspberries, do you grow any other fruit?

    Happy New Year.

    1. Hi Miss Bougie; Sounds like you have been working VERY hard over the "holiday" period! I sugest growing some potatoes on your new plot - they are usually reckoned to be a good first crop, since they break down the soil, especially where grass has been beforehand. As regards fruit, apart from Raspberries, I have i my garden one apple tree, one pear tree, 5 potted Blueberry plants and a few Strawberries.

    2. Mark, many thanks for the tip. Potatoes it is, then.

      Indeed, we have been working hard to clear space. The weather has been very mild recently with some rain. As the space we cleared was in the shade before, due to the trees, the soil was moist and soft on top, but difficult to work below, due to the roots.

      Ah well, everything needs to be earned, right? Especially in the garden. :)

  9. Very beautiful and inspirational photos. Best wishes for 2013 and your gardening plans!

  10. Outside the house Mark, I've hardly seen any colour since we fact I'm possibly suffering from snow blindness if there is such a thing, but your photos were like an explosion of colour!
    I adore that photo of little Holly dressed as a reindeer in your sidebar...what a cutie :D

  11. Truly inspiring! It is amazing how much food can be grown in a small space. Best of luck for another bountiful year.

  12. Lovely photos and a joy to see. I was sooo disillusioned last year . However I'm really excited about this next year adn like you I am starting to plan what I will grow!!


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