Thursday 9 May 2019

Potato progress and a sub-standard tomato

Thanks to the protection I have given them, my potato plants are coming along very nicely!

Some of the plants are too tall now to allow me to close their greenhouses. Last weekend we had some very cold night-time temperatures (down to about 3C, I think), so I rigged up a temporary arrangement to protect them from possible frost:

In the event we didn't get any frost, but my policy is to not take any unnecessary chances. The foliage of the potato plants is currently very soft and luxuriant, so it would be very vulnerable to frost.

The "Lady Christl" plants are just beginning to produce buds, which is usually an indication that tubers are forming down below soil level. I'm expecting these ones to be ready for harvesting in about another month or so.

Changing the subject... Most of my tomato plants are doing fine, but one particular variety is not. That variety is "Ferline F1", one that I have been growing now for many years. Last year the pack of seeds I bought only had 8 seeds in it and only one of those germinated for me. I contacted the seed-merchant (Plants of Distinction) at the end of April and asked for a refund. They replied that they would refund me but also replace the seeds. Eventually, after some chasing-up, I got another pack of seeds (no refund though), but I reckon the replacement seeds must have been from the same batch as the first one! By the time I had received the replacement seeds it was too late (18th June) to sow them for 2018, but I did sow them this year. Again there were 8 seeds, of which 4 germinated, but only after a VERY long time (about a month).

The two one the left are particularly weak

My four "Ferline" plants are still very weak and small - a lot smaller than any of the other tomato plants I have, if only because in terms of development they are about 2 - 3 weeks behind the rest.

"Ferline" on the right, "Cherokee Purple" (typical of  most of my other plants) on the left.
Apart from anything else, when I pay £3.25 for 8 seeds I want them ALL to germinate! I have taken this issue up once more with Plants of Distinction - or at least tried to do so: after 10 days I have still had no response to my email. "Ferline" is a variety that I want to grow every year, but I also want reliably good plants, so next year I shall source my seeds elsewhere.


  1. I've had a similar problem with some tomato seeds from another company. Packet of eight, only two germinated, and those are barely growing, despite being in an appropriately-heated propagator, with growlights as well. I do sometimes wonder if some seed companies just chuck any old rubbish out there on the grounds that most folks won't complain and if the odd one or two do they can be safely ignored.

    1. Yes, I think you are probably right! I've also heard that the seeds sold to the General Public by the many seed-selling companies usually all come originally from only one or two big companies, so if the seeds supplied by one company are poor, then the ones supplied by other companies will also be poor.

  2. That’s not very good customer service is it?

    1. Exactly! I don't think they monitor their email accounts. I even sent one to sales@plantsofdistinction because I thought if anyone was going to read their email it would surely be the Sales Dept.

  3. I would recommend keeping an eye out on Mr Fothergills website because they start selling off alot of their seeds. For the last 4/5 year I've bought my Ferline, also Shirley, for just £1 a packet. Always good germination & from memory 15 seeds in a pack for the Ferline. Bargain I say

    1. I'm thinking of trying some of the smaller companies. The big firms are just too complacent and arrogant.


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