Wednesday 20 February 2013

Quiche and salad

A few days ago Jane made this very handsome Flamiche (cheese and leek quiche), which she has written about on her blog Onions and Paper:

On that occasion my part in the meal-preparation was simply to make a salad to accompany the quiche. Of course it needed to be pretty good if it was to be a fitting accompaniment to the stunning quiche! This is what I came up with:

My salad had the following ingredients: two types of crinkly tangy, slightly bitter Radicchio (plain red, and variegated), long thin crunchy leaves of blanched chicons of Witloof chicory, softer bright green peppery Watercress, and home-grown peashoots - succulent and intensely pea-flavoured.

This meal is typical of our weekday meals these days. We have been making a conscious effort to eat less meat- mainly because good (local butchers') meat is very expensive, and ordinary (supermarket) meat is often very disappointing. Each week we try to have at least one meatless dinner (not vegetarian, because we eat cheese and eggs and suchlike instead). Since good vegetables are easier to find than good meat (for example, in my garden!) this is no penance at all, and we often end up eating meatless meals two or three times a week, not just once.


  1. My family won't go for meat free meals, I wish they would. I think the salad was the perfect accompaniment to the quiche.

  2. Quiche is one of my favourite foods - your salad looks pretty good to me.

  3. My sister makes really mean quiches too

  4. Pea shoots!!! I must remember to do this! :) Quiche and salad looks gorgeous. Just my kind of food.

  5. I have Hollywood's bake book. Great stuff. I also clicked on Onion & Paper, looks like a fine site.

    Cheers to you both.

    Happy Baking :-)

  6. Both look good,I bought some sprouting seeds red cabbage today,are the pea shoots similar?

    1. Hi flowerlady; No, pea-shoots are quite different to brassica seeds (broccoli is often sprouted like this). They are much firmer than sprouted seeds, because you let them develop for a longer time, so that they become small plants in their own right.

  7. Looks delish. Hey I'm vegetarian and I eat eggs & cheese. Apparently we're called ovo-lacto vegetarians! A vegan wouldn't eat animal by-products like dairy etc.
    You should submit this to Thursday's Garden Gobbles Mark.

  8. My kind of meal! I prefer meatless meals, actually even though I am not a vegetarian. Looks wonderful!

  9. Both dishes look great as they are, but as I was reading the above comments about views on veggie or meat... I started thinking, some bacon or sausage would be quite nice in the quiche.

  10. I made quiche too this week. It was a spinach and ham quiche so I did put meat in mine. Not much but it is there.

  11. I do love quiche and that salad looks wonderful!

  12. Okay you did well with your salad accompaniment Mark...but that quiche!!!
    You make a good team :D
    I've been meaning to take a peak into Jane's blog for ages....I'm going to do that today! ;D

  13. Yum! I have a couple of leeks that need using up. I might give this a go for tomorrow night. And the salad looks spectacular!


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