Friday 26 April 2013

More visual treats

Lots of my plants have some really colourful fresh new growth...

This is Cornus Alba Kesselringii (Dogwood)

This is also a Dogwood bud.

These are Snakeshead Fritillaries:

This is the bud of an Aquliegia flower:

This is Euphorbia "Clarice Howard":

This is Hypericum, with the old dried leaves from last year still hanging on, but being replaced by new growth:

At this rate, the garden will be full of new foliage very soon.


  1. I noticed some flower buds on my Aqueligia this morning. An eager wait now for the flowers.

  2. I noticed our fritillaries this week - they have sort of sneaked up on me.

  3. It's great at this time of year when everything is springing back to life. It looks as though you're a little ahead of me as usual, only buds on my snakeshead fritillaries so far, and none yet on my aquilegias.

  4. That was a pleasant trip down memory lane's been some time since I've seen some of those plants.
    Thanks for sharing ~ enjoy your weekend :D

  5. The snakeshead is spectacular!


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