Sunday, 1 April 2012

Saying it with flowers

Just to prove that Mark's Veg Plot is not totally devoted to veg...






Muscari or Grape Hyacinth





Despite all of the above, my favourite flower is probably this one...

Purple Sprouting Broccoli

Oh, and guess what I saw in the garden this morning.... Cute but destructive. Raccoons!

In England these are very rare. They only show themselves on one day a year - April 1st.


  1. And I thought the flowers were the 1 April thing!

  2. Tsk! But I had forgotten the date...

  3. First time that I've found your blog.Nice to see that someone else has dug up their back lawn and built raised beds.See my allotment blog "Emerging from the Undergrowth" which also has back garden pics.
    Looking at the weather forecast I think that all of us who were suckered in by the warm spell could be the April Fools.Not sure how the newly sown veg seeds will cope in the late snows!

  4. Ha ha thought I was seeing things - Fleet must be very exotic I thought! The PSB looks as pretty as any flower, but not as pretty as the cherry blossom.

  5. You naughty, naughty I was quietly reading this after 12 noon and thus not expecting any more April Fool jokes...I nearly fell off the settee!!

  6. My first thought was "Shoot them!" but then my experiences with raccoons have not been good. Your flowers are lovely. My favorite flowers have been morning glories for a long time now. I always have some growing in(taking over) the front flower garden.

  7. LOL what a laugh Mark.
    I have to say all the flowers look exquisite but my favourite is the cherry blossom.
    Have a great week ;D

  8. No raccoons there? Really? I have one that comes out of my hedge each evening in the summer at dusk. It saunters through our yards and out front. I was taking the trash cans out one night and saw him saunter out from the back, waddle across my street and stop. And what's that? Oh another. And another. There were two adult and three young raccoons having a meeting by my neighbors car. I had to laugh. It was so cute. My neighbour who had his cherry trees brutalized by said raccoons doesn't think they're nearly as cute as it do.

  9. My fav is the PSB too. My 2 year olds favourite word used to raccoon - he would love those two. It is now dinosaur or Raaahhh which is pretty much the same thing.

  10. The cherry blossoms are the prettiest but the PSB looks darn good too! We do have racoons here and they are not so cute and can get very large.

  11. You nearly had me there, Mark. All those flowers are lovely, I don't have any yet on my blueberry bushes.


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