Wednesday 15 March 2017

For the record

This post is really more for my benefit than yours! (I'll explain this in a minute.)

As you know, Mark's Veg Plot is devoted primarily to vegetables, and flowers don't feature very prominently. However, this year I am making an effort to grow more flowers. Last Autumn I divided some of my perennials and potted-up lots of "root-division cuttings", which I have kept in my coldframes over the Winter.

Now that the weather has warmed up a bit, the cuttings are all beginning to sprout new growth, so I decided the time was ripe to plant them. They have gone into the gaps made by the recent removal of several of my Dogwood (Cornus) shrubs from my North-facing border.

I have put in 7 x Verbena Bonariensis, 7 x Rubeckia "Goldsturm", 5 x Helenium and 2 x Echinacea "Pom Pom White". They are mostly quite small so there's not a lot to see at present, but hopefully by the Summer time there will be a good display. This post is intended therefore to record for me the starting position, as a point of reference for later on.

Following my usual cautious approach, I have kept back a few plants just in case... They are still in the coldframe, just in case we get another really cold spell and some or all of the ones I have already planted get killed off by frost! If all goes well though, I have another place earmarked for them, next to my shed, where until recently there were two more Dogwood bushes.


  1. I'd just keep a bit of fleece handy to throw over them if a cold night is forecast. If we get a really cold spell, two layers of fleece should do it. Frost penetrating the soil to get at the roots seems to be more of an issue than frosting the top growth.

  2. We are waiting for delivery of a perennial collection intended for a border on the plot. We have been pondering about what we will do with them when they first arrive. I think there will be over 60 plants.

    1. If it's one of the collections from Thompson & Morgan or Van Meuwen you'll have 72 tiny little plugs that will need to be grown on in pots. I got one of those last year and they're just about big enough to plant out this year.

    2. It is T & M so now we will be prepared

  3. I'm planning on growing many more ornamentals this year as well - but I have yet to determine where I'll be placing most of them as I only have one small ornamental bed in the garden plan.

  4. Who has taken over your blog and what have you done with Mark? I'm teasing and I'm delighted you have some perennial color coming your way this summer. I'll be keeping an eye on how it goes. Cheers!


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