Friday, 28 August 2015

It's All About The Chilli

This post is really just an advert - to make you aware of an upcoming chilli-themed event. It is the Challock Chilli Fest being held at Victoriana Nursery Gardens in Kent on Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th October.

Chilli "Bolivian Rainbow"

I attended this event in 2014 and I can assure you it was a good day out! Here is what I wrote about it... Challock Chilli Fest 2014


Here is Victoriana's "Press Release" for this year's event:

"There are Chilli Festivals and there are Chilli Festivals and we've been to more than one or two where we've struggled to find a fresh Chilli - let alone a Chilli Plant!
At Victoriana our Chilli Fest is just a little bit different - it’s all about the Chilli!
With well over 100 varieties of freshly harvested Chillies to taste, and the growing plants from which they were harvested to see, the centrepiece of our Chilli Fest truly is the Chilli!
From the infant beginnings of Stephen Shirley (co-owner of Victoriana) first starting to grow Chillies as a personal hobby 26 years ago, Chillies have become one of the specialities of Victoriana - supplying a wide range of varieties both as seed (many of which are produced at the nursery) and plants.
What started as a simple 'tasting afternoon' has grown over the years to first a day event and now, for the second year a full weekend.
Free to enter, visitors will be able to taste (for a small donation to charity) as many Chillies as they can manage, buy fresh fruits from the plants - or seeds for sowing next year. There will also be many stalls selling sauces, chutneys, and jams - as well as foods to eat on the day from Chilli Candyfloss to Chilli Coffee. Couple that with a range of arts and craft stalls (all who have to sell at least one Chilli themed item) and you have the perfect event for the lover of all things Chilli.
Challock Chilli Fest will take part at Victoriana Nursery Gardens, Challock, Ashford Kent TN25 4DG from 10.30am - 4pm on the 3rd and 4th of October 2015.
More information and a full list of the Chilli Varieties on taste can be found at
We'll also be updating our Facebook page and tweeting @Victoriana_NG regular updates prior to the event and over the weekend using #ChallockChilliFest
Donations from the Chilli Tasting will be distributed to The Mission for Seafarers and the RNLI
Thank you for taking the time to read!"

Ring of Fire


  1. Hi Mark! I'm new to your blog and really enjoying it. Your layout is beautiful! Do you have any process pictures of laying the pavers and gravel?

    1. Hi Jen, and welcome! I'm afraid I don't have photos of laying the pavers and shingle, because this was done before I started blogging. The shingle is laid over a weed-suppressing membrane.

  2. Sounds like an amazing event. I don't think enough people appreciate the diversity of chilies and how enjoyable they are to grow. It's too bad that we don't have an event like that around here...I would be there in a nanosecond.

  3. I can quite see that you would enjoy that event, Mark. I do love to see chilli plants growing but am not so keen on tasting all the varieties! It must be a great day out though for chilli enthusiasts. Will you go again this year?

    1. I am also (you may think surprisingly) not that keen on eating chillis, especially on their own, raw. I do love growing them though - and of course photographing them! I am certainly planning to go to the festival again this year, other commitments permitting.

  4. Mark, I AM surprised to learn that you aren't that keen on eating chilis. I am not either, but the plants are truly lovely.

    1. Audrey, I like the taste of chillis, but I'm not a fan of the "dangerously hot" ones.


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