
Thursday 22 June 2017

Pickled Green Chillis

I'm not normally a fan of pickled veg, but I make a few exceptions. One of these is pickled chillis.

Last Summer, Jane made some "Jeruk Cili Hijau" (Pickled Green Chillis), following a recipe in Ping Coombes' book "Malaysia. Recipes from a family kitchen". Despite my initial reservations, I enjoyed them. This year we are making the same pickle, and starting early!

This is my contribution to the enterprise - providing the chillis:

The dark green ones are "Cayenne", but I don't know what the lighter-coloured ones are. They look like those Turkish ones I grew a couple of years ago, which were big but quite mild even when ripe.

The recipe (which makes one jar) calls for 165g of fresh chillis and fortunately that is just about exactly what these ones weighed - no adjustments to the recipe were necessary.

For copyright reasons I won't reproduce the recipe here, but suffice it to say that in addition to the chillis it only requires salt, caster sugar and distilled white vinegar. A really simple recipe, but very effective!

Here is the finished article:

Ping Coombes says her grandmother used to love these pickled chillis with wan-tons, but I can assure you they go with Beef Rendang, Singapore-style noodles and Nasi Goreng as well as with many Western-style meals too, such as pizza.


  1. They look good. Do you water bath can them or are they a "refrigerator" pickle?

    1. The latter - cold-pickled after blanching for just one minute.

  2. I might try this with some jalapenos that are getting a bit big. I'm sure the sugar adds to the pickle.


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