
Friday 18 November 2016

Excuses, excuses...

I am not going to be posting much for a while. Now that's hard to say for someone who normally posts every day!

There are several reasons:

  • My garden is not exactly "Shut down for the Winter", but there is precious little in it that is new, or interesting enough for me to write about.

  • Jane and I will be away for a few days soon, visiting her Mum - helping her with Christmas shopping etc. There is little opportunity for blogging while we are there because she doesn't have any internet access and even the mobile phone signal in her area is atrocious.

  • I am heavily engaged with Social Media work on behalf of the charity with which Jane and I are volunteering - the Hart Foodbank.

Whenever I find the time, and suitably blog-worthy content, you can be sure that I will be posting, but for the time being I will be adopting a fairly low profile.


  1. When you are away, I think you'll find plenty of interesting stuff.

  2. Have a good time away. It would be interesting to hear about how your food bank operates. We have 3 food banks in the town but they aren't open every week day like yours do. Sarah x

    1. Here's a link to our Foodbank's website. Our centres are only open for "walk-in" clients for a few hours a week, but clients can get help via referral agencies 5 days a week.

    2. Thanks Mark that is useful to read. Sarah x

  3. We all have interests & duties outside the garden which is why I quite enjoy the winter down-time. Have a nice break :)

  4. I am always reading your writing. It so interesting, the picture you took it so beautiful. Your garden make me enjoy my day...Anyway have a good day Mark.


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