
Monday 20 July 2015

Harvest Monday

For me it was another week of varied harvests:

 In this basket are "Charlotte" potatoes, three "Boltardy" beetroot, one "Modrava" kohlrabi, and a mix of types of carrot - mostly "Kelly".

The potatoes, weighing-in at 1.86kg are the yield from two pots. "Charlotte" is the best performer so far, with the yield from each pot (each with one seed tuber) averaging just a fraction below one kilogram.

The high organic matter content of the compost is certainly keeping the potatoes looking nice and sleek. There are hardly any blemishes at all.

As well as "Charlotte", I also harvested one more pot of "Balmoral". That's 3 pots of this type used, and one still left.

This batch was 880g.

We had salad too, of course.

"Amaze" (L) and "Tom Thumb" (R)
There was another small picking of "De Ciccio" broccoli.

Although I have not had much off these broccoli plants, let's not forget that they are really only a catch-crop making use of the space round about the Brussels Sprouts before they get too big, so it's not fair to expect much of them. I have done the same thing with the bed containing my PSB - in the spaces around them I have put 8 plants of Brokali "Apollo".

My expectations of the Brokali are on a par with those concerning "De Ciccio". Any crop will be seen as a bonus.

This is my entry for Harvest Monday, hosted as ever by Daphne's Dandelions.


  1. Another nice harvest. It's great when there's a variety of things ready at the same time.

  2. Some beautiful things from your garden. And more baskets of perfect potatoes. It is almost like you are recycling photographs from past weeks.

  3. I often do turnips as catch crops. Though sometimes they don't grow fast enough before the space is needed. You potatoes are perfect as always. As are those carrots. It looks like you have been eating well this week.

  4. It will be at least a month before I have carrots, beets and potatoes all at the same time ... but when I do, I'll be sure to have a great veggie roast! I'm growing di ciccio broccoli for the first time this year but it won't be ready for several months - hopefully I get some good harvests.

  5. Love the first photo - so much variety & everything is so beautiful! I always get anxious to dig up some potatoes after I see your posts -

  6. Lovely potatoes as always. It is quite inspiring, I am really tempted to try your method of growing potatoes.

  7. even if it is small, I am admiring your kohlrabi. And those carrots will have my husband all jealous, He is planning on building a bed off the ground specifically to grow carrots. The lettuce heads look rather splendid too.

  8. A lovely colourful harvest, looks, great, our carrots have barely germinated, it's a colder than usual summer up here

  9. Another lovely harvest! You are certainly getting good production!

  10. We never got round to sowing the Brokali seeds so it will be interesting to hear what you think.

  11. Wonderful harvest! That kohl rabi is interesting. We are more used to seeing the green ones.

  12. Your potatoes look so amazing and your carrots are so pretty too. I haven't gotten potatoes produce here at all, probably too hot, but I'm going to try growing them in containers.

  13. Such a beautiful root harvest this week! Your lettuce and broccoli look lovely as well.


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