
Sunday 24 May 2015

The Cotinus comes back

Last year my Cotinus tree ("Royal Purple") appeared to have died - or nearly so. Opinions about the cause varied from simple lack of water to the deadly Verticillium Wilt, and I don't know who was right. All I can say is that my tree is definitely not dead. The parts that were most badly desiccated have yet to show any new growth, but elsewhere the tree is putting out lots of new shoots. I am using this as an excuse to post some photos!

As the sap rises, these little shoots are appearing further and further up the main trunk. Let's hope they go all the way!

At present, the tree is "a game in two halves", as they say. One side is full of new leaf, the other is progressing more slowly.

This is what healthy young Cotinus leaves look like. Seeing this, I think you will understand why I was so keen that this tree should survive.


  1. Those leaves are a beautiful colour - I love burgundy leaves. I have a Diablo Ninebark in my front walkway that has leaves of just that colour & it's one of my favourite shrubs.

  2. Those leaves are very beautiful. Especially with the light shining through them.

  3. It would be a shame if you lost your Cotinus, they are such lovely plants. I hope it makes a comeback for you this year.

  4. Is the branch on the left shooting?

    1. Yes, but as I said, more slowly. I think it may all recover eventually.

    2. Maybe I didn't look closely enough

  5. What's with the small webs and white spots? Looks like some kind of mite.

    1. I'm 99% sure it's just spiders - but I'll check in the morning!

  6. Cotinus is such a beautiful shrub. I hope the other half pulls through. The leaf color is so striking.

  7. Such a pretty shrub to have in the garden! I hope the other half does well too.


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