
Friday 27 February 2015

Tulips and PSB

Here is a photo of one of my Hellebores, in full bloom at last. Isn't it beautiful?

One of my blogging friends in the USA (Jennifer, of "Rainy Day Gardener") is a big fan of Hellebores and she has recently posted about an event dedicated to their sale/purchase, which you might like to read. Here is a link to Hellebore Heaven.

Elsewhere in my garden, the Tulip bulbs are peeking through now. They are in pots, up against the wall of the house (and protected from some of the wind by the water-butt), but when they come into flower I will put them somewhere more prominent. Hopefully by then the weather will be milder too.

These are the ones from the Sarah Raven collection that Jane won for me in a competition. I described them back in October, HERE. One of them looks as if it is going to produce three stems:

Looking back at my blogposts from this time last year, I think my bulbs are all about a fortnight behind where they were at the end of February 2014. Before the end of February 2014 all my Irises were out; so were most of the Crocuses and many of the Daffodils. I think it was 2014 that was exceptional though. We had a lot of wet weather last year, but not so much cold, so the bulbs developed earlier.

Anyway, I can manage without Daffodils as long as I have my beloved Purple Sprouting Broccoli! This is probably the most beautiful of all vegetables - a flower that is really good to eat...

This lot wouldn't look out of place in a vase, would they?

These photos were taken about a week after the main head of the plant was cut, and the side-shoots have grown visibly in that time. They are really the main part of the crop, so the more of them there are, the better.

I haven't had much time for gardening recently (or blogging). This week I have been commuting to London, and next week I have another stint to do near Gatwick (yuck, A3 and M25 again). At least the days are drawing out a lot now, so I should be able to see the garden occasionally!

P.S. ....


  1. Yes they look wonderful in a vase. I told my husband not to buy me flowers on Valentines Day. If he had gotten me those I'd have been pretty happy.

  2. Two lovely to admire and one to eat! (I don't think you can eat Hellebore?? many flowers you can eat!).

  3. Gorgeous to look at & yummy to eat - the perfect bouquet. And LOVE the pitcher as well - hand thrown, I assume?

    1. Hi Margaret; Yes, it is indeed a hand-made jug. We have had it many year. I can't remember where we got it, but it may have been in Germany.

  4. Enjoy the hellebore over the weekend before you start your long commutes again, I think you've been waiting for that to flower longer than you've been waiting for your psb. My tulips are just showing through the soil too, and I'm pleased to see that the bulbs I planted in the garden from last years containers are doing well too, I should have some tete a tetes flowering before long.

  5. So many edibles are ornamental as well, and the PSB proves it!

  6. You could start a new trend in flora display

  7. Both blooms are so beautiful! I like the jug too. Your picture reminded of the times I put my greens and vegetable fern in a vase in the kitchen. Never took a picture. Now I'm thinking...I should have.

  8. They look perfect in the vase, almost a pity to eat them!

  9. love the broccoli - mine have been eaten by pigeons so no flowers yet but the daffodils are coming into bud

  10. My tulips appear to be just at the same stage as your's Mark... I just need them to be brave now.
    Unfortunately I haven't got any PSB. They look great in the vase as well as being so tasty.

  11. Yes, the PSB is so lovely to look at. So are the yellow flowers if you let them go over, the bees just adore brassica flowers. I'm kicking myself now that I didn't grow PSB this year for the first time. I chose calabrese instead and the pigeons have marmalized it!


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