
Monday 9 February 2015

Harvest Monday, 9th Feb 2015

I have picked the last of my remaining Radicchio (which was not a lot!). To be honest, I had to discard about 90% of each plant, because the outer leaves were very brown and dishevelled. Still, I was able to salvage a quantity sufficient for a salad for the two of us:

It certainly makes a colourful salad!

We have also had more Brussels Sprouts. We have been getting a batch like this (approx. 250g) about once a week. You have seen these ones before, in last Thursday's post, but since Harvest Monday is a weekly affair I feel it is legitimate to put them in here again.

In order to do the work on my new raised bed, I had to remove the Brussels Sprout plants, but at least I got one further picking of sprouts from them:

I am very pleased with the yield from my six plants. They have given us a lot of food.

My harvests at present are looking pretty thin, and I am thinking more about sowing and planting for the new season ahead. At least we are not under two feet of snow like some of our US cousins!

P.S. Not strictly "Harvest Monday" related (and the only thing home-grown in this photo is the decorative sprig of Basil), but I'm sure some readers will want to know how we got on with the Buffalo Mozzarella from Laverstoke Park Farm:

Well it was nice enough, but not sufficiently special to warrant a price-tag of £2.49 and a 40-mile journey!


  1. Your sprouts have done really well for you and they look so clean and blemish free too. I may give them a go myself this year. It's a shame about Laverstoke Park Farm as I like these type of farm shops, they've certainly let themselves down.

  2. At this time of year, even a bit of fresh salad is welcome - and those leaves are gorgeous!

    Too bad about your overall lackluster experience with Laverstoke Park Farm. Mozzarella, tomato & avocado salad is one of my favourites; I'm glad the mozzarella was at least good enough to eat (unlike the sausage).

  3. Those sprouts look so good. I bought seeds for next year, but I'm not sure where I could possibly plant them. I'd have to give up something I think to get them in. I'll have to think about it.

  4. We love sprout! But I can't seem to get them to grow well here in our area. Maybe I need to try again this year!!

  5. Count me in as another reader inspired by your success with sprouts to try growing my own! But like Daphne, I'm not sure where I'll squeeze them in. I think I may get to harvest a bit of radicchio in the coming weeks, also inspired by your beautiful harvests.

  6. I have never had any luck growing Brussel sprouts. Yours look great!

    1. I reckon our climate here in the UK must be ideal for growing Brussels Sprouts - often wet, never very hot, "temperate" in other words.

  7. Mmm, I love sprouts but not had much luck this year. I might get a handful if they grow a little bit bigger

  8. I love sprouts..... saw a lovely recipe using white fish, broccoli and sprouts which you may be interested in trying link here

    Nice to sit down with some home grown salad and agree the colours look good - as does the mozzarella

    All the best Jan

  9. I'll be trying radicchio for the first time this coming year ... it certainly is very pretty!

  10. The radicchio looks lovely, I'm impressed that it's lasted until February. I need to get down to my plot and pick some sprouts, but it's been SO cold.

  11. So generally it sounds like a thumbs down for Laverstoke Park Farm:

  12. They certainly lasted a long time! Onwards to spring!

  13. You have a good amount of Brussel sprouts yum!


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