
Monday 22 September 2014

Harvest Monday - 22 Sept 2014

Since we were away from home for much of this last week, gardening has not been my top priority. Nevertheless...

This basketful was collected soon after we got home on Thursday. It includes more lettuce, Runner beans and French beans, one cucumber and one head of Radicchio.

Actually, before we went away I had picked four other cucumbers, which I stored in a Stayfresh bag in the fridge. I put them together with the more recent one for this photo:

The skins of these late-season cucumbers can be a bit tough, so I usually peel them before eating. The ones seen here are of the variety "Iznik F1", which I have successfully grown for the past 3 (or is it 4?) years. However, on a recent visit to my local Garden Centre the other day I saw some packets of cucumber "Diva" at 99p if you purchased them with any two other packs from the same supplier. How could I resist? Since Iznik is an F1 variety, it is expensive to buy (£3.95 for only 5 seeds, if I remember rightly), so these Diva ones represent better value. From the picture on the packet, they look very similar. Anyway, I'll be trying them next year.

On Saturday I lifted one more pot from my rapidly-dwindling supply of potatoes.

This one yielded 861 grams of lovely clean "Pink Fir Apple". I think that's a good result.

At the same time I dug up two more leeks. Two seems to be just the right amount for a 2-person serving.

I have also picked more of the Autumn Bliss raspberries. I've given up photographing them, because every batch looks just like the others! I have been getting two or three batches each week, each one of about 100 or 150 grams.

The best harvest for me this week though was chillis - about which I shall write more soon...


  1. Your potatoes this year always look so perfect. When I grew potatoes years ago they always looked pretty sad. They tasted good, but wouldn't win any photo contests.

  2. I planted Diva cucumber for first time this year and it got on my "must plant" list very fast - I'll be planting it every year from now on.

  3. That is a pretty impressive harvest during a week when gardening was not a priority - everything looks so perfect & fresh. Like Daphne, I am super impressed by the potatoes.

  4. Nice harvest for a week away. I think you will like Diva. It was bred by Johnny's Seeds in Maine and has lots of advantages: it's gynoecious and parthenocarpic, which means all female flowers that are self-pollinating. The leaves are non-bitter so it is less attractive to cucumber beetles that spread wilt. And it has some resistance to mildew. Plus it is seedless and non-bitter.

  5. A very good price for cucumber seeds, I normally buy a plant for the greenhouse as not many of us will eat cucumber here. We tend to give most of them away, a good harvest there.

  6. Cucumber seed can be so expensive but I suppose they're good value in the long run if the plant's prolific. We're having leeks for tea, sadly not home grown.

  7. The potatoes are pretty, but my eye was caught by that radicchio - perfect! Those Iznik seeds are crazy expensive, I can see why you would be tempted to try something new. I hope the Diva does well for you.

  8. To sat iy wasn't a priority you have an incredible bounty/

  9. Your veg always looks so colourful and clean. I find cleaning veg a bit time consuming but suppose it has to be done, and worth it in the end.

  10. Potatoes look great Mark and a good crop of cucumbers too.

  11. Great looking harvest this week Mark!! Love the potatoes, we are going to have to try those fingerling potatoes some time, they look great!

  12. Very nice potatoes and chilis. I've grown Diva's for years, they are a great tasting cucumber. Being parthenocarpic they can get large with hardly any seed development. They are also very heat tolerant although that trait may not be of much use where you garden.

  13. I must agree with Kelli ... your veg are always so clean! I suspect I'm just a bit lazy. Envious of your peppers for sure.

  14. As always, I'm utterly charmed by the beauty of your garden bounty. And I never tire of the fact that thanks to blogging, I'm able to get a glimpse into beautiful gardens around the world. Thank you for sharing so generously. I know taking photos and writing can be a bit of a chore.

    1. Writing and taking photos is never a chore for me. I love both!

  15. Fantastic looking harvest! I really like these fingerling potatoes you've grown this year.

  16. Congratulations for having lovely harvest, Mark!


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