
Saturday 30 August 2014

Autumn already!

Autumn in August? Surely not! But yes, it does seem that Autumn has arrived already. Although the weather forecast for the next few days looks a little more encouraging than of late, it is still not what we would normally expect in late August and early September.

The garden already looks Autumn-ey. Not that this is necessarily a bad thing. I like the fact that the garden changes with the seasons. The rich red, yellows and golds of Autumn foliage is particularly attractive, but they are not with us yet. At present we just have that sort of faded, tired look that plants get at the end of their productive life. Here is a little selection of photos that illustrate what I mean:










French Bean "Cobra"

After a stint this week working in London, with no opportunity for dead-heading or other garden chores, I think the weekend will be devoted mainly to an all-round tidy-up operation.  


  1. The same here. I have to rake the walnut leaves every other day. A bit early, I think.

  2. I really need to do a bit of garden clean up, but my motivation is lacking right now.

  3. It's amazing how quick the seasons change. I've just got back from the plot and noticed a few things dying back. I really do think we are in for a long, hard, cold winter.

  4. No Autumn here yet, and it can't come soon enough, but there is the messy task of cleaning up. But like Daphne said, I too am lacking motivation. It's just too hot.

  5. It does seem like Autumn / Fall is coming early, however, I'm not ready for summer to end. I'd like Sept to be warm!

  6. I'm glad you posted that photo of your fig. Mine is looking very similar and having only bought it this year, didn't know if this was normal or not, you've put my mind at rest.

  7. Do you have a sandy soil, Mark? We were going to buy an echinacra and were advised against it nby the nursery. We were told it wouldn't overwinter on our soil.

    1. Sue, Yes, I do have sandy soil, but the Echinaceas are in pots. mine over-wintered outside last year and survived OK.

  8. It makes sense to me that it's already autumnal for you. It's already very much spring-like here in my part of Australia. The fruit trees have blossoms, the mulberry is in leaf and the bees are very busy.


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