
Tuesday 22 July 2014

Rudbeckia Fulgida "Goldsturm"

One of the perennials I bought last year in my drive to add more visual interest to my garden was a Rudbeckia called "Goldsturm".

I put it in a large terracotta pot, rather than in a border, so that I would be able to move it around whenever I wanted. This has proved to be a wise decision because it seems to be a very vigorous plant - one of those that will take over your garden if you give it half a chance, by the look of it. In this next picture you can't even see the pot!

The way the petals are arranged on the buds before the flowers open reminds me of a Linzer Torte! If you don't understand this, follow the link and you'll soon see what I mean.

The best is still to come. At present only a few flowers are open, but the plant is covered with  buds.


  1. I have that one in the veggie garden. I grew it from seed and it took three years to finally bloom. But now it is spreading. I love black eyed susans though.

  2. Wonderful plant Mark. Wish it would try and take over my garden! It does not like my sandy soil!

  3. nice plant Mark may have to add that next year

  4. It looks like it earns its place in the garden, plenty of flowers to come on the plant.

  5. Love how you captured each stage of the flower opening.

  6. Like little rays of sunshine ;D
    Great shots showing the flowers display at work.It's going to show a great pop of colour once all the flowers are open....enjoy!

  7. We have this plants and it is very restrained in our garden and our soil is more clay based than sandy like Roger's

  8. Lovely. All my border rudbeckias have disappeared this year, sadly, so I will have to get fresh seed next year and start again, they're too pretty to miss for long!


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