
Monday 7 April 2014

Which are the best Daffs?

There has been a lot of discussion on some of the blogs I follow concerning which are the best types of Daffodil.

Some favour the old classics; others favour the more ostentatious modern hybrids.

I offer this as a contender:

Lemon Yellow trumpets, and lemon yellow petals. 100% yellow. No frilly bits! All three of these compact blooms are borne on one slender stem about 18" tall.

The trouble is, I don't know it's name! I don't even remember buying it. I think perhaps it is one that came in a mixed bag I bought a couple of years ago. Does anyone recognise it? Even if you don't, do you like it or not?


  1. Think given there are 27,000 different varieties you might have a challenge on your hands.

  2. I like the miniature ones for the garden, We have the larger ones on the plot where they can become untidy and not bother me or other plants. As for colour I like the whites as well as yellows but the ones with pinkish trumpets do nothing for me. I also like a distinctive trumpet or cup not the over frilly doubles that don't look at all like daffodils

  3. I am no help. I like them all :)

  4. Like Becky I like them all too. I like the white ones, the yellow ones, and the mixed ones. Though in front of my office window that my desk overlooks (so the ones I see the most) I put some pretty ordinary large yellow ones. So maybe those I like the best? They are certainly very nice from a distance. But the cute little ones are so nice up close.

  5. To be honest daffodils all look much the same to me. I do prefer the tete-a-tete as they don't blow over as much as the taller ones. It is so windy in Northern Ireland!

  6. Lots to choose from fortunately. If I like the look of them in bloom I buy them.

  7. I agree with Kelli about tete-a tete. In my smallish garden they give a great display and then do their dying down well hidden by the other stuff coming through.

  8. I like my daffs pure and simple but have a soft spot for pale lemon with orange trumpets. Hate pink trumpets and those that look like they have mangled up innards. Haven't a clue which variety yours are but they are very lovely.

  9. I love my daffodils looking like daffodils. This one is prefect!!

  10. I'm not keen on the frilly ones, I like all the others though.

  11. I don't recognise it but I do like it. Plain and simple yellow for me, and I do like the ones with more than one flower on each stem.

  12. It's a lovely variety- does it have a scent?

  13. I really like this daffodill maybe it is tete-a-tete. I have them in my garden as well!

    1. No, it's definitely not Tete-a-Tete (which has one two-tone flower per stem, and very short stems).

    2. Yes, you're right! The daffodil in your garden looks beautiful though!


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