
Monday 3 March 2014

Harvest Monday - 3 March 2014

Today I am posting twice, so if you haven't already seen my post about Yorkshire Pudding Trenchers, why not have a look at it once you've read this one...?

My harvest this week is a good example of the "quantity isn't everything" principle. It consists simply of this plate of Mesclun:

Yes, well, before you laugh can I just mention QUALITY?

I don't normally weigh a harvest so blatantly small, so I shall gloss quickly over that aspect in order to mention that this little harvest is actually the 5th (and final) cut I have taken from that tray of Mesclun that I originally sowed just before Christmas!

How about this view? Does that look appetising, or what?

Notice that I have homed-in on my favourite element of the mix - the celery leaf!

Considering that this was only half of a pack of seeds that came free on the cover of Grow your Own magazine, I think I have done very well!

To see what everybody else has been harvesting, visit Harvest Monday over on Daphne's Dandelions.


  1. I'd never laugh at your harvests, mark

  2. Oh I don't laugh. Since I've got no harvests right now any small bit would be welcome. Since we still seem stuck in early February weather, I don't see my garden starting anytime soon.

  3. For half a packet you've had a lot of harvests from your mix.

  4. Anything home grown is worthy of a post of its own. This little packet of seeds has given you some delicious food, and even better is that they were free on the cover of a magazine.

  5. It looks like a good salad mix and I like the herbs I can see in it - must have quite an aromatic flavour. I think I'd laugh at my own harvests way before yours!

  6. Looks great to me. I think I am going to do some pots with greens in the greenhouse and see how well they do. I wish they would give away free seeds on our magazines.


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