
Monday 24 March 2014

Harvest Monday - 24th March 2014

After a couple of weeks with no harvest to report, this week I do have something - and something very special, in my opinion: the first of this year's Purple Sprouting Broccoli:

PSB "Red Spear"

 I took the tips out of three of my plants this past week:

Taking out the tips first encourages the side-shoots to increase in size:

A few days after cutting the tips I took the first batch of side-shoots:

As well as PSB, I have harvested a good amount of Parsley ("in vegetable quantity" as Jane would say - i.e. not just a sprig or two for a garnish!):

Much of this went into a sort of Tabbouleh dish, served alongside some Lamb chops, about which I plan to post tomorrow:

Lots of sowing and planting is going on in my garden just now, but not much harvesting, I'm afraid.


  1. It must be nice to be harvesting again, especially your favorite crop. I'm still waiting for my soil to defrost, but I think it will be soon. Or maybe that is just wishful thinking.

  2. Man, those are some gorgeous harvests! I'm looking forward to a little fresh food from the garden again but we are no where near that right now.

    Happy Spring!

  3. Yum, yum, yum. I'm envious of your psb, I shall be putting more effort in to mine this year.

  4. Love your use of the parsley...yummy.

  5. I do miss PSB - sadly the family don't care for it so it seems too much space to justify for such a long standing crop just for myself - maybe next year. It is a great vegetable at this time of year!

  6. Your PSB looks good. The tabbouleh dish with the parsley is a great colour and looks very appetizing. Most of my veg, mostly kale, is going into flower now.

  7. You will keep mentioning that PSB but at least I have plenty of parsley!

  8. PSB looks lovely. Must be wonderful to harvest

  9. Your tabbouleh looks great. I can't wait to start joining in on the monday harvest reports again. But we still have snow on the ground here (so I fear it is still quite a ways away).


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