
Sunday 9 February 2014

Beef Casserole with Parsley Mash

Here's another Comfort Food classic - Beef casserole, with carrots and mushrooms, served with potato and parsley mash and cabbage:

I made the beef casserole in my usual way: browned the meat in a seasoned flour; added softened onions; carrots, dried Thyme, button mushrooms and stock; cooked it for about 3 hours.

Made some potato mash, with some milk and butter; added some chopped fresh parsley:

...served it with cabbage boiled until just "al dente"; not mushy, but also not crunchy.

This is the kind of food I enjoy cooking - and eating. What more can I say? I just wish the veg had been home-grown. My garden's only contribution to this meal was the Parsley.


  1. That looks just delicious. I have some beef to make some stew later this winter. With yet another snow storm on the horizon I might end up making it next week.

  2. I think we're having a beef casserole tomorrow, minus the mushrooms as my fussy lot won't eat them. Perfect food for the kind of weather we're having.

  3. We call it "beef stew" and I had one not too long ago. I like to make it in the crock pot that way it cooks itself all day and Phil does not have to cook when he gets home. Today I think it will be a nice corned beef brisket I have (corned beef and cabbage are definitely my favorite) and maybe I will do it all in my new pot too :)

  4. oh yes, perfect comfort food and that mash looks glorious... about to tuck into something very similar ourselves!

  5. With plenty of fresh parsley I should try that mash.

  6. Hi Mark, I am wondering, do parsnips taste like turnips or more like mashed potatoes? This meal looks great. i love beef stew, but I normally add chunks of potatoes with the carrots into the pot.

    1. Egretta, they are like neither. Parsnips are really sweet.

  7. It is at this entry I discovered your blog....oh boy !...that smells good ! : )

  8. Hi Daisy Debs, and welcome aboard! I hope you share my love of home-grown veg and home-cooked food...

  9. Gotta love a good old fashioned beef casserole, thanks for sharing this recipe...



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