
Tuesday 31 December 2013

Naan bread recipe

Several readers (and Twitter / Facebook friends) have enquired about the Naan breads I made the other day. If you want the recipe, follow this link to a post from September 2013 on Jane's blog Onions and Paper.

The dark patches on mine are poppy seeds, but Jane says that if you want to get the authentic burnt patches (as if cooked in a tandoor), then you need to hold the breads over an open flame (be careful!). Alternatively, use dry baking sheets rather than greased ones, and hope that the bread will stick in a few places.

If any of you do try the recipe, could you please let us know how it went? Thanks.



  1. Naan is such a favorite of mine. I never find the homemade version quite as good as in a tandoor, but still delicious.

  2. How funny, I made naan breads a couple of days ago for the first time, using a pretty similar recipe though all done by hand. They were pretty good, if I do say so myself (!) though more bread-like than naans usually are. Yours look great too.

  3. I make mine in a cast iron skillet on the stove covered with a sheet tray. They do get the little char spots.


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