
Monday 16 December 2013

Harvest Monday - 16th December 2013

Well, this week I have a harvest again - albeit a tiny one... I picked the very last batch of Brussels Sprouts:

In that photo above they look quite respectable, don't they? But in all honesty I have to point out that some of them were little bigger than a pea! They are all the nicer for this though. Big sprouts are often tough, which is something these would never be accused of.

This was definitely the last lot of sprouts from my garden this year, because I have now cut down the plants, and all that remains of each is about 30cm of stalk:

I'm loath to pull up the roots of these stumps just now, because I think that might disturb the other plants growing round about - mostly chicories, but there are also loads of tiny Parsley plants which might now decide to grow a bit since they have more light than hitherto. Maybe I'll just remove the wooden stakes and put them in the garage to dry off...

I have been very pleased with the Brussels Sprouts this year. I'm obviously getting the hang of growing them. I also strongly recommend the variety I grew, which is "Brilliant F1". Its sprouts, whilst never big, have been exceptionally sweet. No hint of bitterness whatsoever. "Even the kids would like them", as they say. I think that next year I will probably grow at least two varieties of Brussels Sprouts, maybe even three, to prolong the cropping season. I'll have to have a good look at what's available. Do any of you have any recommendations?

Other than the sprouts, the only thing I have harvested this past week is some herbs. This Thyme and Winter Savory, for instance, which went into my Juniper and Thyme Focaccia

I am continuing to pick Parsley are required (e.g. for the Red Onion Relish that I served with my griddled Halloumi cheese on Saturday evening). In order to prolong their productive life, I have covered as many as possible of the Parsley plants with plastic bell-cloches.


  1. I haven't got any sprouts of my own to harvest, but I've been given some by Hubby's uncle so I'm looking forward to tucking in to those. I'm not sure what variety they are, I'll have to ask him.

  2. We are harvesting sprouts too but we have to grow a club root resistant variety and so grow Crispus - we had a few sproutless years until we found this variety pity they don't breed more varieties of brassicas that are resistant as there is a very limited choice.

  3. we have warm weather and sometime cool during the dry season. I want to try plant brussel sprout next dry season. Will you recomend some varieties that adaptable on my weather?

    1. Sorry Endah, but I am a novice myself when it comes to growing Brussels Sprouts, so I am not in a position to provide any recommendations. Since you live in a hot climate they may not do very well, but maybe you should ask someone who also lives in a hotter climate - perhaps some of our Australian friends?

  4. Well even with the size, those sprouts look so delicious.

  5. My sprouts were infested by cabbage whites due to my failure to net them, so no brassicas for me at all this season. It wont put me off next year though, I shall have to have a root through my seed stash I know I have an un opened packet.

  6. Great looking sprouts. I'm a bit wary of trying them, they seem such a complicated thing to grow, with so many pests after them. But yours seem to have done beautifully. Great tip of covering the parsley.

  7. Oh your sprouts look sooo good. I am hoping my few plants will actually produce

  8. Your delicate sprouts look wonderful.

  9. I have yet to grow sprouts but have some seeds and am excited to give them a try next season. Yours, though small, sound very tasty :)


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