
Tuesday 12 November 2013

Smoked Paprika - the next stage

Here we are folks; the "Garnet" peppers are smoked and dried. Now all that remains is to grind them into a powder. I'll be doing that at the weekend. For now, just some photos of how they look at present:

They have lost a lot of weight! They are almost papery. Once I have removed the seeds there won't be a lot left. Maybe they will produce a dessertspoonful of powder all told? As long as it's enough for one goulash or something, it will have been worth the effort...


  1. They look lovely Mark! I love smoked paprika so will be very interested to hear how it works out. Do keep us posted!

  2. That's a good idea. You inspire me to smoke my home grown hot chilli pepper.

  3. I can't imagine them turning to a powder.

  4. oooh, you're such a tease!... they looks so glossy and papery... cant wait for the grinding! (ooh er!)

  5. Beautiful! I can't imagine making my own paprika, but it sounds like a wonderful idea!

  6. Can't wait to see how their turn out. Looking good so far.

  7. An interesting experiment, I hope it works out and that you get your goulash.

  8. Appropriately named as they certainly look jewel-like


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