
Sunday 22 September 2013


I went out to the Garden Centre today, specifically to buy a pot in which to plant the Soleil d'Or daffodil bulbs I brought back from Scilly. I knew exactly what I wanted: a blue glazed pot; fairly big; fairly shallow. I even took a "minder" with me to the GC - Jane. Her job was to give me a second opinion on the suitability of the to-be-purchased pot (and to dissuade me from buying other stuff that I don't need). In one respect, success was achieved:

I'm very pleased with that. Just what I wanted. However...

I accidentally bought this too:

Echinacea "Little Magnus"

Let me say in my defence:
  • The plant was reduced in price by 50%
  • I have been wanting to buy an Echinacea for ages (the white one I bought the other day doesn't count!)
  • Jane should have dissuaded me
No, the truth of the matter is that I feel no guilt at all!  This plant will add some much-needed colour to my garden next year. And further to add to the serendipity aspect of all this, when I got home and started to plant the bulbs in the new blue pot I found that despite the label on the bag that clearly said "20 bulbs", there were in fact 35 bulbs in the bag, and there was no way all those were going to fit into the one pot! Now the sensible thing to have done would be to pop back to the Garden Centre and buy a couple MORE pots, but I thought that might be pushing my luck too far, so I contented myself with planting the excess bulbs in some spare plastic pots formerly used for growing spuds.


  1. The blue pot is gorgeous, I love that shade, it will look spectacular when your plants blossom.

    Got to love those "accidental" purchases. LOL

  2. Love the blue pot. More and more flowers creeping in - no excuse needed.

  3. I love the pot you chose. I've got some tall, blue glazed pots which I grow scarlet geraniums in and they look fabulous. I love the echinacea too, you couldn't leave that behind, such a bargain with a 50% reduction.

  4. Echinacea are invaluable - bees and butterflies love them. Magnus in particular keeps cropping up at the minute, I think you picked a good variety there! ;)

  5. Great purchases. I love echinacea too, they're so striking. Well done Jane!

  6. Wow, you did so good. I keep buying rose bushes(miniatures lately). I don't know why. They aren't even my favorites but you know you can't go wrong with a rose bush! AND THEy aRE ALL MARKED DOWN! LOL. I bought way too many bulbs to go around the pond too but I know I have pots here, most are plastic but a few are terracotta so I will make due with them. I'm sure I'll find some other reason this week to stop by the store and see what the roses are marked down to this week, lol.

  7. You need no defense to buy the beautiful echinacea. It is such a lovely color.

  8. If the garden centers in the UK are like the ones in the US, a plant marked down 50% is on its way out the door. Hopefully out the front door with a paying customer; but if not, its out the back door with the garbage. So don't look at this as a Purchase but as a Rescue!
    Love the blue pot, too!

  9. That is a very sweet pot and the echinacea is a wonderful colour. Looking forward to the daffs next year!

  10. Oh I can relate to that! I go to the nursery to buy a particular plant and end up buying some extras! Sadly we can't shop for such beautiful pots in our region. That blue is amazing!

  11. After being on opposite sides of the planet and constantly on the reverse seasons it seems strange that yesterday I was planting up pots for my daffs too ;D
    I admire your resolve at the garden centre. I don't trust myself so haven't been yet but I'm not sure how long I'll be able to resist ;D
    Have a fantastic week!


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