
Tuesday 6 August 2013

Rudbeckia "Goldsturm"

Here is another of the perennials I bought in the Spring, to add some colour to my garden. It is Rudbeckia Fulgida "Goldsturm".

I think you will agree that it is "fit for purpose"!

In this picture you can see it next to the Gaillardia "Arizona Sun", together adding a great splash of "sunshine" to the otherwise mostly green Mark's Veg Plot.

Even before they are fully open, the flowers of this plant are very interesting.

From an initial  criss-cross configuration, the petals unfold one by one.

One of the best aspects of a plant like this is that it produces multiple blooms - very different to the one-off blooms of, say, the Daffodil. I'm hoping that these flowers will keep on coming until late September at least.


  1. Very nice!
    My rudbeckia is a variety with brown inner circle. When flowers are young they're all yellow but when they get mature they have this brown circle inside. I thought that maybe some of them will stay all yellow and they will all be mixed up, brown and yellow flowers but no - eventually they all get the brown circle.

  2. We have a few of these too and I was also taking flowers of the bud opening the other day!

  3. The "Goldstrum" does add a bit of color, although the blooms tend to look a little wilted to me. The Gaillardia is more colorful and quite pretty. Nice that you are adding some color to you garden.

  4. Goldsturm is a wonderful late summer - autumn bloom. It also self-seeds quite readily and the finches like to perch on it and eat the seed. A great plant!


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