
Sunday 11 August 2013

A plethora of Parsley

Today I want to show you that I currently have a positive plethora of Parsley:

Now I know that to most people this may not seem like a particularly praiseworthy achievement, but for me it is. For some reason Parsley has not done well in my garden in recent years (there was a time many years ago when it seemed to be effortlessly successful), so this year I have tried very hard to redress the balance.

In every available space - and particularly at the base of each of the poles for the French Beans - I have planted Parsley. It seems to have worked!

The irony of this situation is that with Jane having been away for a while, and then in hospital, and now slowly recuperating (with little interest in anything other than very straightforward food), we have not eaten much Parsley recently! I therefore decided to harvest a big batch of it and freeze it for later use...

Parsley that has been frozen is only of limited value, I think. It is OK for use in hot dishes, but obviously no good for salads or garnishes because it is limp when thawed. Still, preserving some of it this way means that it doesn't get wasted.


  1. Have you tried parsley soup? I was planting out a lot of parsley this weekend. Some in a pot at home for spontaneous use and the rest on the plot. We also need up giving some to plot neighbours.

  2. Your parsley looks really good. I haven't managed to grow it very successfully. Sorry to hear Jane has been unwell. Hope she is feeling better.

  3. Cheers to parsley! So far, parsley has been successful for me in the cooler months here in north Florida.

  4. You could try try making parsley and walnut pesto and freeze that. Same recipe as with basil and pine nuts, just replace those quantities with parsley and walnuts.

  5. I hope Jan's health improves quickly. I do like the idea of parsley everywhere - is it possible to ever have too much?

  6. Sorry to read about Jane...hope she gets well soon. I'm sure you'll come up with great ideas with the frozen parsley later!

  7. Parsley in my garden just keeps growing. I already have few tubs full of it in my freezer, but still pick fresh leaves for daily cooking. Love it!


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