
Sunday 14 April 2013

Tomatoes and chillis

After a slow start, my tomatoes and chillis are looking OK. The new Grow Light House has been invaluable because we have had so little natural light. Chillis and tomatoes are taking it in turns to "bask on the sunbed"!

In the end all of the tomato seeds germinated, with the exception of two "Maskotka" ones (together in the same pot).

Now the seedlings have at least a couple of true leaves each, as well as their cotyledons (aka "seed leaves").

The Chillis are comparitively slow developers. Not all of them have germinated yet, but they are continuing to do so - one or two more every day.

I have put all the ones that have yet to germinate into the airing-cupboard, where hopefully the extra warmth with give them the necessary "wakeup call".

Elsewhere I now have a couple of new Aquilegia plants - albeit very small ones!

These ones have been grown from seeds kindly sent to me by Jo from awholeplotoflove. She sent me seeds for three different varieties, and I sowed some of each. So far only these two seedlings have emerged. I was a bit concerned about this, but when I looked at the seed packets I saw that it says "Germination my take 1-3 months" so I guess I just have to wait a while longer!


  1. My Tomato seedlings indoors are at about the same stage of development as yours. "Moneymaker" so they can be grown indoors or out but not with this changeable overcast weather again. Cold and showery this weekend not the weather for much outdoor sowing.

  2. I used to have some aquilegia at my last garden. They would self seed here and there. I'd always be transplanting them to where I wanted them. I used to live in the mountains of Colorado where the Rocky Mountain columbine grew. Oh they were so lovely. Here in the east we tend to have red and yellow ones growing in the woods instead.

  3. Everything is looking good Mark Peppers and Tomatoes are doing well here also good luck hope you see some sun

  4. Hi Mark, I'm glad the new grow station has proved itself worthy! Those tomato seedlings look very healthy! I hope the sun comes out for you soon! Cheers, Jenni

  5. Hello Mark, I have many fail attempts sprouting and growing these two plants. It is amazing to see these seedlings all are looking really happy. Happy gardening.

  6. 1-3 months for a seed to germinate!!
    Good luck with your tomatoes and peppers, hope your weather is getting better.

  7. Looking good Mark. I finally sowed my toms on Friday: Supersweet, Flavorino, Maskotka & a nameless yellow pear-shaped cherry, which is very late for me. But the weather just hasn't given me much choice, and as you say, there is only so much space under the growlights, mine being chocka will chillies :) It's getting warmer here now, which means it must be getting warmer where you are too. Hope the sun comes out for you so you can start planting stuff in those immaculate beds! :)

  8. Our tomato seeds have just been sown so no little plants for us just yet.

  9. Your seedlings are looking great. I hope you get some lovely weather for them soon. Here its all cool season crops and I am starting to miss the tomatoes already.

  10. I really need to get with it, sowing is imperative tonight,

  11. I've just pricked out my tomatoes, but my sweet peppers were sown a while ago and are much bigger. They're all still on a sunny windowsill as it's still too cold for them outdoors, even in the greenhouse.

  12. Your post has reminded me of the fact that I need to sow more chillies. Your plants are looking good!

  13. Nice to see your tomato progress - the wheels seem to be turning very slowly at the moment with mine.


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