
Saturday 20 April 2013

Some colour in the garden at last!

The garden in Winter can be very drab and colourless, but with the advent of Spring it takes on a new lease of life! Since I haven't got much in the way of veg to show off at present, I thought you might like to see some photos of flowers instead...

First Hoverfly of the year, investigating the now over-blown Crocuses:

"Tete a Tete" daffodils, with Crocuses in the background:

Narcissus "Minnow" - aptly named because it is tiny:

The curious bi-colour Pulmonaria, aka Lungwort:

Primrose. Foliage looking a bit worse for wear after the severe Winter:

More Primroses:

The old-fashioned type of Primrose, still my favourite:

OK, this one's not a flower, but its main contribution is definitely in its colour - Thyme "Archer's Gold". I think the colour combination of the golden foliage with the blue glazed pot is very attractive:

That pot has a history too. It was bought in Hong Kong, back in the early 1980's. Two dollars (HK) well spent, if you ask me!


  1. Lovely photos and flower Mark, I don't think you can beat primroses at this time of year.

  2. Have to admit Mark your selection of flower photos are better than mine this post, I like the hoverfly shot the best.

  3. Plenty of colour there. I like the native primrose best too.

  4. Is this really Mark's Veg Plot - the blog of the man who isn't into flowers? We have minnow too I think they came free with something else I bought. They are really pretty and I too prefer the native primroses. I have a whole row on the plot - beautiful!

  5. Very pretty Mark, I really must go and get some daffodil bulbs - its so lovely when they appear each year.

  6. Hello Mark, very nice blog as usual, not that i've givin you flowers here's the pot...joke joke...couldn't help myself with my remarks....question : May i use the picture with the daffodil's and the bee as my backround on my computer ? We still have 3 feet of snow around here (Quebec, Canada) and dying to see some colors. It's most beautiful, are you sure your in you're line of work...most beautiful your pictures
    It brighten my morning !!!!

    1. forgot to say THANK YOU !!!!!!!!

    2. Hi Regine; Sure, go ahead and use the photo if you wish. I'm honoured that you should think it good enough!

  7. The primrose are so cheerful!

  8. You've lots of great colour this year. Glad you are coming around to the idea of adding more colour to your space.


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