
Friday 21 December 2012

Christmas Greetings

Last year I made a mistake and accidentally published my Christmas post before I had intended it to go out. This year I am being more careful, but I'm deliberately publishing this well before Christmas Day, in the hope that lots of my loyal readers will see it before the holiday begins.

The Marksvegplot blog has expanded its readership enormously during 2012, and now attracts about 23,000 pageviews a month, which is very gratifying for me. It is nice to know that what I publish is of interest to so many people. I hope you enjoy what I write and the photos I publish. For my part, I have surprised even myself by continuing to publish a post every single day - occasionally twice a day! I thought I would have run out of ideas long ago, but it seems not.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of my readers a Happy Christmas, whatever their faith, and whether or not they celebrate this as a religious festival. I am basically agnostic, so I see Christmas as being primarily a Family occasion; an occasion on which to get together to enjoy each others' company and partake of some of the best food and drink offerings we can muster. This year is even more special than last year because we now have TWO grandchildren to brighten our lives!

I wish you all the best and I look forward to having your (virtual) company next year.



  1. Very festive Mark Thank you. My greeting is scheduled for tomorrow. It is amazing how many pages are viewed isn't it - so far this month I'm on 16,222 (you're beating me hands down) but I wonder how many of my visitors are spammers!

  2. And a very Happy Christmas to you and Jane!!! Yours was the very first gardening blog that I subscribed to Mark and you remain a constant source of information and inspiration! Thank you for a fabulous blog! Have a great New Year and enjoy those grand-children!!!!! Much love. x

  3. a very merry chrimbo to you too Mark, congratulations on your successful blog, it is well deserved x

  4. I admire your tenacity and your daily output - it is an inspiration to us all. I hope you have a good Christmas with your family - do you take a day off blogging for Christmas Day - my guess is not!

  5. Your blog has certainly had a successful year, Mark! Christmas means many things, but for me, celebrating the birth of The Savior is the true meaning, and without Jesus Christ in my heart, my life would not be as full and blessed as it is now! I am thankful, too, to have children and grandchildren to share this time with! Merry Christmas to you and Jane and enjoy those precious grandchildren!

  6. Merry Christmas to you, too and a very Happy New Year. I do enjoy reading your blog and consider your recipes as inspirations. I don't often comment but keep it coming. It does get read from here in Maryland USA.

  7. Merry Christmas Mark. Thank you so much for your wonderful posts all year. You brighten up many a day!

  8. 23,000 page views a month! That's millions! (In a manner of speaking!)

    Well done!

    (And well done Sue too!)

    Have a very happy Christmas and a fun-and-successful blogging for 2013.


    23,000 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Didn't even know that's possible! I'm staggering away in . . . er . . . humiliation . . . I get nowhere near, NOWHERE NEAR! that many.

    I'll switch to vegetables . . . mumble mumble mumble!

  9. Wishing you and your family a happy Christmas! Thank you for reading my blog too. Looking forward to lots more inspiring Veg Plot posts next year, Ren

  10. Merry Christmas Mark! I'm happy to have found your blog this year and be a contributor to your remarkable number of page views!!!!! I've actually put a link to one of your posts in my latest blog post so I consider myself a new, but already loyal reader!!! Hope you have a wonderful Christmas :) Anna B

  11. Merry Christmas to you and yours Mark!

  12. Merry Christmas to you too Mark! Thank you for sharing all your Veg plot posts, it's been such fun and most informative to read about what you've been getting up to throughout the gardening year!

  13. Thank you for the good wishes and your lovely card.

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you too, Mark and Jane. Happiness and good health is all one can ever wish for and that is what I wish for you and your family.

    I'm new to your blog, and I like what I've read so far. So thank you for keeping the interesting stuff coming.

    I found your blog via an Australian blog.
    It's easier for me to get instant inspiration through your blog, as you're much closer to home. I'm just across The Channel, so we share the same seasons.


  14. Merry Christmas Mark, hope that you have a lovely time with your family. Sara x

  15. Merry Christmas to you too. Keep up the great blog posts in the New year.


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