
Wednesday 19 December 2012

2012 - A month-by-month review

At this time of year most Gardening bloggers publish a review of the year just ending, so I'm jumping on the bandwagon.. My "Annual Review" is simply a demonstration that there was something good for me to harvest from my garden in every single month of the year...

January is prime time for Parsnips in my garden...

 February was very cold, but the Lettuces over-Wintered under cloches were surprisingly good:

 In March I began harvesting the very picturesque Purple Sprouting Broccoli.

 In April there was not much with which to fill the "Hungry Gap", but I did still have some Swiss Chard.

 May's harvest included the first of the long-awaited Rhubarb:

By June the Asparagus was at its peak - This is for me perhaps the most rewarding of all vegetables.

June saw the advent of the first of the new potatoes - like these "Charlotte" ones.

By July the harvests were coming in thick and fast, and it is hard to choose just one crop to represent this month, so I have hedged my bets with Broad Beans, Carrots and Blueberries.

For August I'm again spoilt for choice, so this time it's Runner Beans, French Beans and Tomatoes.

In  September I picked (amongst other things) Cucumbers, French beans, Aubergines and Chillis

In October I was still harvesting Runner Beans, along with Beetroot and more Chillies

 By November it was feeling more Wintery and the Brassicas began to look more attractive - such as this Cavolo Nero.

And then in December came the archetypical Christmas veg , the Brussels Sprout:

My garden certainly doesn't make me self-sufficient in fruit and veg, but its produce does provide a considerable and very welcome addition to what we buy in the shops, and best of all it gives me pleasure to cook things whose origins I know intimately!  I look forward with eager anticipation to 2013. (That's if the Mayans were wrong and the world doesn't actually end on 21st December).


  1. Looks great Mark, I am really looking forward to next year.

  2. I think last year I harvested in every month least year too. Well February had just a little cilantro. Usually I don't pick anything in February and March, and some years in January if I don't set up a tunnel. Who knows what will happen next year. Our winter was so mild last winter that the ground didn't really freeze solid permanently. Usually it is frozen solid for several months.

  3. what no leeks! I have not been following you long enough, I expect there will be some in your archive!
    I think leeks are a fantastic veg to grow, such a long season. They are twice the price of onions at our local farm shop, funny really, I can't grow onions but the leeks are so easy. Our farm shop also does wonderful tasty 'dirty carrots' so I don't grow many carrots either. Like you I think it best to grow most of your own veg but not to be too proud to buy a few.

    1. Hi Roger; Surprisingly I don't normally grow leeks. I did try, but didn't have much success. Maybe I shoud try again. I have assessed Leeks as having low VSR, since they are usually available most of the time and are less versatile than onions.

  4. Only two days to go - lucky that you got the review done! Apparently some are blaming us Bloggers for causing panic. Some interpret the Maya prediction as meaning a new beginning so maybe your new beginning will include leeks.

  5. It's brilliant to be able to show harvests in every month of the year, especially when you grow your veggies in a garden with limited space, you plan really well. I don't think it matters that you're not self sufficient, it's a case of supplementing what you buy, and you manage to grow varieties which wouldn't usually be available. Well done.

  6. Great wrap up Mark. You do get a lovely variety out of your space don't you?

  7. You've had a great year despite inclement weather; it must be very satisfying to see how much you get out of your garden every month.

  8. Great post and impressive looking veg. I adore asparagus and must grow it one of these days; yours looks perfect. Your home grown veg is really fantastic!

  9. I like this post. You must feel very virtuous! A great year for you and your veg patch.

  10. Excellent crops Mark - with only a few minor hiccups - the organisation of your little plot does you proud.


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