
Sunday 16 September 2012

Harvest Monday - 17 September 2012

We arrived home from a holiday yesterday (at 03:30 - arrgggh!), so this morning I was of course out in the garden seeing how things had fared. Thanks to the efforts of a "duty rota" of three garden helpers, the garden looks fine and is bursting with produce. This is a just brief post to show the state of play and qualify me to join in on Daphne's Harvest Monday link-up.

I'm not showing you any more pictures of Runner Beans this time, but rest assured that they are still cropping vigorously. I picked just over 800g of them. This is what else I got:

Here it is in closeup. Another four "Iznik" cucumbers (these ones are perhaps on the over-mature side, so will definitely need peeling before we eat them); six "Pingtung Long" Aubergines (they would probably have grown bigger, but the plants are looking very tired now); another batch of French Beans, and a handful of chillis.

And what about this? Radishes. You know how badly my radishes have done this year, so getting a dozen or so useable ones seems like a major achievement! These ones are "French Breakfast".

This was probably the most welcome of all - about 400g of "Autumn Bliss" Raspberries. Bit of a crisis though: we couldn't get any diabetic ice cream for Jane. Oh well, they will just have to be eaten plain.

By the way, I will have no more photos of tomato harvests to post now, because I cut down all my plants just before we went away. However that doesn't mean we won't be eating any tomatoes, since we still have a huge quantity ripening indoors. Maybe another batch of tomato sauce is in order?


  1. Well, those radishes look good to me and so do those cucumbers. I really need to get down to my garden today and see how the cucumber I saw down there is coming along.

  2. You must have been away the same time as us! You've pulled all your tomatoes and we're just starting!

  3. Beautiful harvest. Hope your holiday was wonderful!

  4. Gorgeous! I just planted few radishes but they're taking their time. will do another batch next weekend now that it's getting cooler they'll grow better.

  5. Oh so jealous. Very envious of your purple beans, mine all died early on and all your other beans look wonderful. I wish I had garden helpers!

  6. Hope you had a good holiday, Mark. Nice harvest. My tomatoes are only just ripening and my late sowing of runner beans are just starting to produce.

  7. Really interesting varieties!!

    Great picture!

  8. Gorgeous raspberries. And French Breakfast is one of my favorite radishes. It is so pretty and tasty.

  9. There is hope! I do remember your radish post and now after seeing this lucky dozen, I'll hold off from yanking them all out until the end of the month. Maybe, just maybe, I'll get lucky too.

  10. Love your purple beans. And raspberries are always great plain! Ours barely last. You have some beautiful raspberries.

  11. Autumn Bliss is a great raspberry, that's the variety that I'm trying to grow but they are in the wrong place, what few berries I get are delicious - even without ice cream. The Iznik cucumber looks a lot like the Green Fingers Persian cucumber that I'm growing this year. I've found that they don't really need peeling even when they get a bit large and they stay sweet too. Lovely colorful harvest.


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